Depopulation is a top agenda of the secret Elite who control the world from behind the scenes. Researchers have found evidence of several diseases that have been engineered in order to accomplish this agenda. In the process, common people’s lives are played with and/or experimented on as a way to also develop vaccines and medicines that are designed to have certain side effects that, in the end, excel its alleged benefits. What many do not know (or pretend not to know) is the critical of the Vatican and the Jesuits play in this task as articulators. It’s understandable since one is accustomed to see many Catholic organizations involved in helping the poor and the sick. However, these seem to be front institutions only to maintain a charitable face to the public. The tactic seems to work , but yet the evidence is there to be exposed.
What a “Zica”?
“Zica” is a supposed virus epidemic being exploited to stir panic in the population and prop up the Jesuit World Order sponsorship of new vaccines. Scientists have claimed that the Zika virus carried by Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes is responsible for the spike in cases of microcephaly in newborn babies, mainly in Brazil. The media, as usual, has helped spread panic over an epidemic supported by the World Health Organization and its director-general, Dr. Margaret Chan. Chan is the same director-general who had stated the following at a Georgetown University lecture (Georgetown is a Jesuit University)—
President Jack DeGioia, faculty at the campuses of Georgetown University, students and post-graduate students, ladies and gentlemen;
It is a great honour to address an event organized by Georgetown University, America’s oldest Catholic and Jesuit university. I am well aware of the ethical values that guide the work of this university and its several institutes and centres.
I fully agree with the principles that underpin the Global Futures Initiative. Issues of governance, especially in health, will profoundly affect the future of humanity.
The Pope’s visit to this country has done much to underscore the human dimensions of climate change and the refugee crisis. He asks us all to remember the people. ~ Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of the WHO, Washington, DC, USA, 30 September 2015
As a result of hysteria (or perhaps as a calculated reaction), Latin-American governments started to advocate contraceptive methods to avoid the prospective of having a child with birth defects. Some went beyond, and recommended women not to get pregnant for a while. Even the Pope condoned the use of contraceptives in face of such a menace. However, the most shocking reaction came from the place admired by Dr. Chan for its “ethical values”: Georgetown now promotes abortion as a way to combat Zika.
Despite of the initial figures that claim more than 4000 cases of microcephaly linked to the Zika virus, only about 400 cases were confirmed. This by no means characterizes an epidemic as alarmed by the press. Interestingly, it went unnoticed the fact that newborn microcephaly seems to be endemic in certain areas of Brazil at least since 2012 (prior to Zika’s discussion), which might indicate another cause for the illness. It turns out pre-Zika microcephaly cases were far more prevalent than originally reported. Also, the virus was discovered circa 1947 and has been around all this time without causing severe problems other than mild transient illness. Nevertheless, there has been a big push towards spending on vaccine development with Hillary Clinton in the frontlines.
Is it possible that Jesuit trained, recently Catholic converted (as uncovered by Johnny Cirucci.com investigative reporter Graham) Bill Gates has something to do with that story? He has stated as much, himself:
First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent, but there we see an increase of about 1.3. ~ Bill Gates, TED2010, Innovation to zero!, February 2010
In mid-2015 it was reported that a British biotech company called Oxitec had created GMO1 mosquitos to eradicate dengue (another sickness caused by the Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes) in certain risk areas. Brazil was one of the countries that released these mosquitoes in the environment. Curiously, the northern Brazilian city of Juazeiro, where these mosquitoes were released reported most of the birth defects. Oxitec was supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Another possibility to consider is the Tdap vaccines for pregnant women. Starting in late 2014, Brazilian pregnant women are required to take Tdap shots to combat pertussis infections despite overwhelming evidence that points towards its unsafety during pregnancy. The Tdap vaccine initiative was also conducted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Last but not least, Brazil is the largest consumer of pesticide in the world using chemicals that are banned in most other nations. Fetal growth impairment was observed with pesticides such as Antrazine and Metolachlor, largely used in Brazil. The GMO crops introduced there are feared to be responsible for the rampant use of pesticides. Once again, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was deeply involved in introducing GMO crops in Brazil.
Indeed, there are many evidences pointing toward Bill Gates and his foundation as the leading cause of suffering in these instances. Depopulation has always been one of the top priorities of the Jesuit-run Elite and only a few puppets like Bill Gates carry on this agenda with such will. By controlling population with genetically-engineered diseases and their “preventative vaccines”, this same Jesuit-controlled Elite have used Brazil as their evil test bed.
It is ironic to note that, in the Brazilian language, “What a zica” is a slang expression for “What bad luck!”
The HIV/AIDS Deception
Since its alleged discovery in 1983 by Catholic-educated Dr. Robert Gallo, the HIV virus is now wholly accepted by both science and medicine as the leading cause of AIDS. However, some dissenting voices in both fields have been questioning the validity of this assertion. One of them is Dr. Eleni Papadopulos, a biophysicist that has led a group of HIV/ADIS research scientists in Australia in the past years. According to this interview, Dr. Papadopulos affirms that in order to prove the existence of a virus, three things are required: find the particle one might think is the virus, isolate it and break down its constituents, then prove the particle can make faithful copies of itself. However, it seems these key procedures were not followed regarding HIV. Dr. Papadopulos (EP) explains this further in her interview with independent reporter Christine Johnson (CJ).
CJ: Does HIV cause AIDS?
EPE: There is no proof that HIV causes AIDS.
CJ: Why not?
EPE: For many reasons, but most importantly, because there is no proof that HIV exists. …
CJ: Didn’t Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo [purportedly the co-discoverers of HIV] isolate HIV back in the early eighties?
EPE: No. In the papers published in Science by those two research groups, there is no proof of the isolation of a retrovirus from AIDS patients. [HIV is said to be a retrovirus.]
Despite recent advances in micro and nano technology as well as the advent of electron microscopy, one is yet to see an electron micrograph of the HIV virus.
CJ: But Montagnier and Gallo did publish photographs of virus particles.
EPE: No. Montagnier and Gallo published electron micrographs of culture fluids that had not been centrifuged, or even separated from the culture cells, for that matter. These EMs contained, in addition to many other things, including the culture cells and other things that clearly are not retroviruses, a few particles which Montagnier and Gallo claimed are retroviruses, and which all belonged to the same retroviral species, now called HIV. But photographs of unpurified particles don’t prove that those particles are viruses. The existence of HIV was not established by Montagnier and Gallo — or anyone since — using the method presented at the 1973 meeting.
CJ: But what about their pictures?
EPE: Montagnier’s and Gallo’s electron micrographs…are of entire cell cultures, or of unpurified fluids from cultures…” ~ An interview with Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos by Christine Johnson
Once Dr. Gallo announced the probable cause of AIDS, the race was on to find a pharmaceutical weapon to combat it. AZT, a drug developed by Dr. Jerome Horowitz that failed to treat cancer, was recycled and given to HIV patients as the only hope available. The high toxicity level of AZT was not addressed properly and eventually, many patients have begun to complain about its efficacy and safety. Dr. Horowitz obtained his Master’s degree at the Roman-Catholic, Jesuit-run University of Detroit Mercy.
The company GlaxoSmithKline (previously known as “Glaxo Wellcome”) is the largest manufacturer of drugs for HIV/AIDS treatment, and has been at the center of this controversy. Perhaps the most notorious case concerns Glaxo’s sponsorship of drug trials (including AZT) on babies as young as three months. In 2004, a BBC documentary revealed that tests were being conducted in New York at Incarnation Children’s Center, which is run by Catholic charities. Drugs were administered to HIV-positive children and/or orphans of drug users by mixing them with food or, in more severe cases, mixing it with food or, in more severe cases, directly into the child’s stomach via syringe via syringe. Other scandals include Glaxo’s involvement in Catholic sexual abuse cover-ups and, more recently, the pouring of 45 liters of polio vaccine into a river in Belgium. Interestingly, James Murdoch and his Knight of Malta father Rupert Murdoch are linked to Glaxo through their board of committees.
Whistleblowers have tried to alert the public regarding the true origins of viruses such as HIV and Ebola. Among them, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz is perhaps the most prominent. Horowitz is renowned for accusing the U.S. military, CIA, and DoD of developing HIV and other viruses and releasing them into public circulation, mostly in African countries. Unfortunately, Horowitz has not implicated the Vatican in any of his dissertations. Research into the background of Leonard Horowitz shows that he is a Knight of Malta. As long as big pharmaceutical companies, driven mainly by profit and by Elite agendas that seek to harm the common citizen, people will continue to suffer and minorities will continue to be treated as guinea pigs.

Proud Caped Crusaders for Rome, Knights of Malta Nelson Mandela and Prince Richard Alexander Walter George, the Duke of Gloucester in 2009
Ebola: Another Weapon of Depopulation?
The most recent Ebola outbreak started in West Africa in 2013 and spread throughout other countries over a period of two years. This caused the world to fear a disease allegedly without cure. Researchers and doctors from all over the world rushed to Africa in order to study the disease and treat the patients. However, one of the most controversial contributions might be from Tulane University.
Tulane is recognized as a private, secular institution. However, it has a consortium with two Jesuit Catholic Universities; Loyola and Xavier. In fact, Tulane highly prizes its Catholic Center. Bioweapon expert, Prof. Francis Boyle blames Tulane and the U.S. Department of Defense, working together with giant pharmaceutical and biotech companies with releasing a bioengineered Ebola strain in Serra Leone. As a result, Sierra Leone has halted Tulane from conducting further Ebola testing and to close the U.S. bioweapons lab.
Diseases like Ebola usually bring some sort of stigma to the patients as they are seen as contagious people even after treated. The Society of Jesus knows very well how to explore this social component of Ebola. A Jesuit High School canceled the visit of some African students based on Ebola scare, even though they were not from the affected areas in Africa. This only serves to inflate social justice warrior’s speech regarding how Africans are mistreated by whites as to prompt white guilty. Racism, which of course is one the Jesuits calling cards had to play a role in this incident as well, igniting a social strife that is planned to culminate with a Jesuit World Order synthesis In fact, the Jesuits largely contributed with African slavery in America and other parts of the world such as in Africa under the pretext of slaying the unbelievers. By the way, the Company of Loyola is still very active in Africa through organizations such as AJAN (African Jesuit Aids Network) as they join the “fight” against Ebola. It’s also interesting to note that AJAN is responsible for 25 percent of all HIV treatment in Africa and nearly 100 percent in remote areas. Of course, that included the poisonous AZT administered to pregnant mother infected with HIV.
In any way possible, the goal of the Jesuit World Order is ultimate control. One important aspect of that is the control of our well-being. By wielding the sword of engineered viruses and diseases and the shield of poisonous and purposely-ineffective cures and vaccines in the best Hegelian dialect style, the Vatican intends to obtain its goal. The clock is ticking and the Jesuits know they must use every resource available, from giant pharmaceutical companies to mind-controlled billionaires, to disseminate their poisonous cup over the entire humanity.
Perhaps, as with all other overwhelming threats, the best weapon we have in response…is faith.
“They will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” ~ Mark 16:18
I TREAT HIV/AIDS every day . i have treated HIV patients since 1983 and have had many patients and friends die of this disease . the disease exist . to say it doesn’t hurts the credibility of the article and the web site . if one does not take their medicine , their CD5 drops , the viral load shoots up , and it is not long until they are in the hospital fighting for their life . this is not a ox that needs to be gored . HIV is in the human population . if you want to speculate how it got their fine , but to say it isn’t there is nieve
Well sir, I never stated HIV or AIDS don’t exist. Both of them may well exist, however STATING that HIV IS THE CA– USEof AIDS is still not proved yet.
Why is it so difficult to isolate and fotograph a virus in the era of scanning electron microscopy (SEM)? During my PhD research, I use to manipulate nanowires in SEM as small as 5 nm in diameter, which is much smaller than a virus. That does not make sense to me…
In order to even prove the existence of a virus you have to do three things:
First, culture cells and find a particle you think might be a virus. Obviously, at the very least, that particle should look like a virus. Second, you have to devise a method to get that particle on its own so you can take it to pieces and analyze precisely what makes it up. Then you need to prove the particle can make faithful copies of itself. In other words, that it can replicate.
Until that is done for HIV and shown publically, I’m sorry my friend but I can’t just believe in a story wihtout proof.
I recommend you watch The Greatest Medical Fraud in History – The Pain, Profit and Politics of AIDS by Gary Null. It’s up on YouTube. From that piece I got a glimpse of the wonders of AZT and how “accurate” the HIV tests were developed. This should at least raise suspicious about AZT, which in fact has already happened, and also should prompt the development of alternative methods to combat the sickness.
ABC’s Nightline approached Mullis about participating in a documentary:
The show was superb, and represented a historic turning point, possibly even the end of the seven-year media blackout on the HIV debate. But it still didn’t fulfil Mullis ultimate fantasy.
“What ABC needs to do,” says Mullis, “is talk to [Chairman of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Dr. Anthony] Fauci and [Dr. Robert] Gallo [one of the discoverers of HIV] and show that they’re assholes, which I could do in ten minutes.”
But, I point out, Gallo will refuse to discuss the HIV debate, just as he’s always done.
“I know he will,” Mullis shoots back, anger rising in his voice. “But you know what? I would be willing to chase the little bastard from his car to his office and say, ‘This is Kary Mullis trying to ask you a goddamn simple question,’ and let the cameras follow. If people think I’m a crazy person, that’s okay. But here’s a Nobel Prize-winner trying to ask a simple question from those who spent $22 billion and killed 100,000 people. It has to be on TV. It’s a visual thing. I’m not unwilling to do something like that.”
AIDS; Words from the Front By Celia Farber, Spin July 1994
We have not been able to discover any good reasons why most of the people on earth believe that AIDS is a disease caused by a virus called HIV. There is simply no scientific evidence demonstrating that this is true.
We have also not been able to discover why doctors prescribe a toxic drug called AZT (Zidovudine) to people who have no other complaint than the presence of antibodies to HIV in their blood.
In fact, we cannot understand why humans would take that drug for any reason.
We cannot understand how all this madness came about, and having both lived in Berkeley, we’ve seen some strange things indeed. We know that to err is human, but the HIV/AIDS hypothesis is one hell of a mistake.
PCR Inventor, and Noble Prize Winner, Kary Mullis Talks About Anthony Fauci —
“he doesn’t know anything really about anything”
Posted on Dec 10, 2020
Watch ➥ LIBRY | YouTube
Kary Mullis
Kary Mullis (1944 – 2019) was an American biochemist and a chemistry Nobel laureate. He earned the prized recognition for his invention (alongside Michael Smith) of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method.
The method he invented has been of extreme use and importance in both medical research and forensic science, however he was critical of its use in public health for quick tests.
Besides being known as a science genius, Kary Mullis was also known as an eccentric and flamboyant figure.
January 19, 2021 – Dr Martin issues the ‘The Fauci COVID-19 Dossier‘.
Transcript of Clips
Each separate clip is time-stamped below.
Kary Mullis ➝ 00:00
What is it about humanity that it wants to go to the all detail to stop and listen. Guys like Fauci get up there and start talking, and he doesn’t know anything really about anything, and I’d say that to his face. Nothing.
The man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope and if it’s got a virus in there, you will know it. He doesn’t understand electron microscopy and he doesn’t understand medicine. He should not be in a position like he’s in.
Most of those guys up there on the top are just total administrative people and they don’t know anything about what’s going on with the bottom. You know, those guys have got an agenda, which is not what we would like them to have, being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way.
They’ve got a personal kind of agenda. They make up their own rules as they go. They change them when they want to and a smugly like Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people, face out, and lie directly into the camera.
You can’t expect the sheep to really respect the best and the brightest. They don’t know the difference, really. I mean, I like humans, don’t get me wrong. But basically, there is a vast, vast majority of them do not possess the ability to judge who is and who isn’t really a good scientist.
“Guys like Fauci get up there and start talking, and he doesn’t know anything really about anything, and I’d say that to his face. Nothing.”
Kary Mullis, PhD
Inventor of PCR, Nobel Laureate
That’s a problem, that’s a main problem actually with science, I’d say, in this century. Because science is being judged by people. Funding is being done by people who don’t understand it. Who do we trust? Fauci? Fauci doesn’t know nothing, you know.
If Fauci wants to get on television with somebody who knows a little bit about this stuff and debate him, he could easily do it because he’s been asked. And I’ve had a lot of people… President of the University of South Carolina asked Fauci if he can come down there and debate me on the stage in front of the student body because I wanted somebody who was from the other side to come down and balance my point, because I felt like, “Well, these guys can listen to me but I need to have somebody else down here that’s going to tell me the other side.” But he didn’t want to do it.
Kary Mullis ➝ 02:09
The number of cases reported went up epidemically, exponentially because the number of tests that was done went up exponentially. How many doctors knew about HIV in 1983? Two. How many knew about it in 1985? Say 500. How many knew about it in 1986? 40,000. So that’s where the curve came from. How many tests were done.
Kary Mullis ➝ 2:34
If it’s just caused by needles, or it’s just caused by homosexual activities. You’re not going to really get a whole long sustained public outcry against it. And nobody’s going to want to spend $6 billion a year. They’re going to say, well, we really don’t like those people. Anyhow. Great. I can’t think of a better solution to the homosexual problem than a disease that’ll kill them all. I mean, there’ll be congressmen that talk about that quietly. Not on television. So the CDC had to say, we can’t say that.
We’re gonna say, it’s going to be, it’s got to be heterosexually transmitted. There’s no proof that it’s transmitted at all at that point. So why not just say, well, it’s heterosexually transmitted too [heterosexual transmission chains], because that made it a plague again. The CDC needed one. The CDC hadn’t had a good plague since polio. Their funding was probably going to be cut back if they didn’t come up with one. The guy that was the head of the CDC, in fact wrote memos that have been obtained, you know, where he describes this as hot stuff. You know, those guys have got an agenda, which is not what we would like them to have being that we pay for them to take care of our health.
Kary Mullis ➝ 3:37
And they are considered the final arbiters of what’s good for the planet or what’s bad for the planet. And they haven’t got the slightest idea. Instead of wearing white robes, they wear white lab coats, you know, instead of like bringing you the word of God, they bring the word of the, the EPA or whatever, and they don’t have to understand what it is that they’re making you do, in fact, and people, you know, just, I think they fall naturally into it because there is a need in humanity for something like a religion.
Anthony Fauci ➝ 4:10
Occasionally you get a false positive. Uh, under those circumstances, a western blot can absolutely confirm. Western blots are also important when you have people, for example, who have been vaccinated in vaccine trials and making antibody against one protein, the only way you’re going to tell if they’re infected serologically is by looking at a western blot, showing they make antibodies to the other protein. So it has a lot of value. It’s fundamentally a confirmatory diagnostic tests.
Reporter ➝ 4:37
More likely to be positive there because they use much more lax criteria. Yeah.
Anthony Fauci ➝ 4:41
I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with different countries having different criteria because the different criteria are only really for that small group of patients that come in the indetermined level. When a western blot is really positive, it hits you like a truck. It’s only for that little indeterminant group that you have to be concerned.
“They change them when they want to and a smugly like Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people, face out, and lie directly into the camera.”
Kary Mullis, PhD
Inventor of PCR, Nobel Laureate
Scientist ➝ 4:59
In theory, at least, that if you were tested in New York today and then flew to Australia and you had three bands in New York, you would not be positive in Australia, but you would be positive in New York City. Now. I mean, a virus cannot behave in this manner.
Stefan Lanka ➝ 5:12
He lowered the sensitivity of the antibody test.
Kary Mullis ➝ 5:15
If they didn’t allow them to charge so much for it, I think that’d be a lot less use of it. You know, it’s just like in political scandals, follow the money trail, figure out who’s getting paid for this. Who’s getting the money for those western blots. There’s your person who’s going to always come down on the side of, yeah, you’ve got a confirmatory western blot cycle. They don’t even do them in England anymore, but it’s totally, it’s… And ask a doctor how it works. The doctor who prescribed, it says you gotta have a western blot to confirm this ELISA positive thing. How does that work, doctor, sir? How, how, what, what is, what are they now measuring about me that is different from what they measure with the ELISA test? He wouldn’t know, he’s not got any idea. I bet you there’s scarcely 50 physicians in this country that know what a western blot really is.
Kary Mullis ➝ 6:04
The thing that I learned like back in 1968, when I first published a paper by myself in Nature, in a field that I had no expertise in at all. There are no old wise men up there at the top of science where, which I would have, I really did until 68. I would’ve thought, you know, if you try to publish a dumb paper in a journal, like Nature, it won’t get published. If you try to publish a good paper in there, like I later tried to publish PCR, the invention of PCR in the same journal. And they didn’t take it. There isn’t enough there. There’s no place up on the… The Academy of Sciences is just a bunch of idiots, just like everybody else. You know, the editors of journals, austere journals, even. They’re just busy with their little lives and stuff. There are no old wise men up on the top, making sure that we don’t do something really dumb.
More Resources:
• Dr Hodkinson — ‘This is the Greatest Hoax ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public’
• James Lyons-Weiler — Pathogenic Priming: Coronavirus Vaccine Safety Warning
• The Great Reset is Communism 3.0 — Martin Armstrong
‘AIDS Inc.’, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQVFA38j598 (Copyright Gary Null, 2007)
https://twitter.com/TruthandFreedo8/status/1336767749012541443 (December 9, 2020)
Very revealing article on exactly how Rome spreads fear and perpetuates the healthcare dialectic. Great work on an important issue.
And now,in 2020 Covid-19 is the new fraud. The virus that supposedly causes it HAS NOT been isolated. They’ve gone back to the same fraudmela that served the conspirators w/aids!
It now appears that there isn’t a comprehensive test to actually detect Corona Virus-19 and false positives are as likely as false negatives. So, if you don’t know where you’re going any road will get you where you’re going. Appears the actual Covid -19 virus particle hasn’t also been identified and without an identity how can it be identified by any test?
I dare say, there may be those getting sick, but from what isn’t really known yet, so that makes it easy for the Jesuits and their cohorts to invent a name and make a bugaboo to frighten the uniformed and simple. Apparently its working.
Since, the 1960s the Jesuits have felt secure they’ve progressed in their program for world dominion that they felt secure that it was highly unlikely anyone could derail their bid for world government under Lucefer.
Humanely speaking, they’re right, presently it appears we’ve reached that point in time where the Holy Spirit has been removed allowing them free reign in what they’re doing. To my way of thinking humanely speaking its unlikely they will be stopped, because indeed it was the Holy Spirit Jesus said: ‘that what now letteth be taken out of the way.” and from my perception this is exactly what’s happened.
I would advise Mr. Cirucci to walk circumspectly as well as Del Riverside, These yokels specialized in murder and haven’t scruple to withhold from committing it in way shape or form.
But that vaccines seems to be their main program to the road for universal identity and injecting every human with a microchip in order to buy and sell and also work and collect any kind of payment. You don’t have it, you don’t eat and probably not travel or move far from home base.
Nevertheless, these Jesuit Jackals have an awful reckoning in store, I would not want to be in their shoes as that final moment approaches. Their depredations and murders may have some success now, but will be short lived and those political hacks that cooperated and betrayed their people will probably suffer the same fate as the pastors who urged their flocks to be injected with the microchip identifier!