Wed, 12 April 2017
Zen Garcia on Truth Frequency Radio – Johnny Cirrucci – Illuminati Unmasked
Johnny joins me on this show to speak about the specific tactics used by the illuminati in perpetuating the New World order as a criminal syndicate. In this show we specifically cover their bizarre pedophilia behavior and how they abuse even their own children.
Tue, 4 April 2017
Zen Garcia on Truth Frequency Radio – Johnny Cirucci “Shadowlords: Ruling Behind the Scenes”
Johnny joins us this evening to speak about the Hegelian dialectic, false left-right paradigm, and the illusion parading as reality. The author of two books, Secret History and The Illuminati Unmasked. In this show we speak about his journey to awakening and how that voyage…
Sat, 1 April 2017
The Prophecy Brothers! We Got One That Can See: Johnny Cirucci on the History of the Jesuits
Author Illuminati Unmasked and Secret History, Johnny Cirucci, joins us to explain who and what the Jesuits are, and why it matters today.
Thu, 9 March 2017
TFR – Secrets Revealed with Zen Garcia – Johnny Cirrucci – Shadow Lords: Ruling From Behind The Scenes
Johnny joins us this evening to speak about the Hegelian dialectic, false left-right paradigm, and the illusion parading as reality. The author of two books, Secret History and The Illuminati Unmasked. In this show we speak about his journey to awakening and how that voyage…
Mon, 16 January 2017
The Prophecy Brothers! Is the Pope the Man Behind the Curtain?
The official government story of President John Kennedy’s assassination differs from the facts and eyewitness accounts. We’re told the worst attack on American soil, 9/11, happened because no one could have imagined jetliners would be used as weapons. Building 7 of the World Trade Tower…
Sat, 14 January 2017
Discussion with Johnny Cirucci and Noonesflower about the biggest deception and who is really behind it. We will be addressing the misconceptions and deceptions within the truth community and why does it matter who is guilty.
Wed, 21 December 2016
Flat Earth Interview: Author Johnny Cirucci on the Occult history of the Globe
Despite the commonly held belief that the Flat Earth movement is new, the fact is that Flat Earth is not really a movement at all, it a fact that everyone knew for almost 5000 years. It is only over the last 500 years but especially…
Tue, 20 December 2016
Flat Earth UK: The Jesuit Heliocentric Deception With Johnny Cirucci
The story of the Jesuits is the history of the heliocentric deception. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best as Nathan Oakley is joined by Johnny Cirucci to discuss the earth and it's flatness.
Tue, 13 December 2016
Johnny interviewed by V the Gorilla Economist
Wed, 23 November 2016
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