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  • Folks can email with questions. Info will be on the website soon.

  • Tarif Ali says:

    Johnny Cirucci, Wow I don’t know if you’ll receive this or not but its good to here someone know some of the things I do. There’s only one thing I don’t agree on and that’s is that its just the Christians that are the saviors in this fight! One of the most successful campaigns of resistance has been Ethiopia’s merge of Christians, Muslims and Jew’s who kept colonialism at by for a time to keep them from ever being invaded! Other then that I’m cool with what you’ve worked and still working on. Divide and conquer is always the only trump card of the disobedient of God! The bait and switch is what we call it in some hoods. And the entity’s agenda’s are not the same, there eleven of them that I know of personally. PEACE!

  • Andrew Brown says:
    I have friends in Calvary Chapel and it has many well meaning believers. But the founder and upper staff are the under the control of Rome. A follower of Kathryn Kuhlman a follower of the Pope of Rome.
    Failed Prophesies of Chuck Smith.Ties with Rick Warren.David Barton.Chuck said Catholics are Christians and did believe in witnessing to them. His Knights of Malta speaker which his members warned him about could not stopped by his own people.

  • Andrew Brown says:

    Correction did not believe in Witnessing to them.

  • Andrew Brown says:

    Correction could not be stopped by his own people.

  • Andrew Brown says:

    Johnny,I am thankful for you speaking to this church and presenting such great information. Every Christian group should investigate its past and any evil from within its own walls. We must look within not just outward.

    • Agreed, Andrew! Pastor Mike is a very special man and I don’t think (sadly) he’s representative of what Calvary Chapel is.

      All we can do is go where we’re called, then wait to be called again.
      ~ Johnny

  • Cindy says:

    Excellent presentation, put alot of the puzzle pieces together for me. Have been thinking of buying your book…guess I will now for more details :-). BTW, I work in DC and seeing those bldgs/symbols everyday makes me pray even more knowing what they really represent. It is very sad that the folks I work with and see walking around DC have no idea what is coming. Keep up the good work for as long as we have the web I will keep listening to your rants!

  • Johnny, the “black names” are as a result of African American’s not wanting to (and not wanting their children to) bear the names of their slave masters. Remember, that during slavery, African American’s were stripped of their African names, culture and identity.

    Anyway, this is my understanding of the matter. Thank you.

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