Felipe Robles and Giovanni Cirucci
In the age of the “coronavirus”, (rebranded the more frightening “COVID19” and “SarsCov 2”) one of the topics most debated was the care of the elderly.
The endless tyranny of pandemic “mandates” have only the purposes of mind-control and enslavement because there is no virus. Amongst the worst of these non-binding “mandates” are the mask and “social distancing” requirements.
These twisted tactics have been applied to do maximum harm to those most vulnerable: the young and the old.
The elderly, especially, were targeted with vicious agendas to literally kill them with loneliness.
Don’t Hug Grandparents at Easter Even If They’re Vaccinated, Chris Whitty Warns (Yahoo.com)
England’s chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty has warned that people who have had both coronavirus vaccines should not hug their grandchildren.
Speaking at the Downing Street press conference on Monday, Whitty said people are still vulnerable to catching COVID-19 even if they have had two jabs.
It comes as more than 30 million Brits have had their first vaccine and the government eases more lockdown restrictions.
When asked by Jason Groves, political correspondent at the Express, why people who have had both vaccines are still unable to hug their grandchildren this Easter, Prof Whitty explained that more people need to be vaccinated to build up protection.
Whitty said vaccines “provide increasing levels of protection as we go through.
“The first vaccine provides a high degree of protection. The second vaccine for the same person provides greater protection but there is still some vulnerability.”
“Then actually having people around someone who themselves have been vaccinated who themselves have been vaccinated provides a further third of protection,” he added.
In the State of New York, the far-Left, pro-abortion, gun-confiscating, Roman Catholic Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, son of a far-Left, pro-abortion, gun-confiscating, Roman Catholic Governor of New York, Mario Cuomo, first ordered nearly 10,000 elderly who “tested positive” for “COVID” into “Nursing Homes” and then began to mass murder so many that they hid the true numbers.
Cuomo Administration Hid Nursing Home Covid Deaths Longer Than Previously Thought: NYT (msn.com)
An explosive report published Wednesday in The New York Times reveals that aides to Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) withheld information on nursing home patient deaths from Covid-19 longer than previously believed.
Mr. Cuomo’s most senior aides engaged in a sustained effort to prevent the state’s own health officials, including the commissioner, Howard Zucker, from releasing the true death toll to the public or sharing it with state lawmakers, these interviews and documents showed.
A scientific paper, which incorporated the data, was never published. An audit of the numbers by a top Cuomo aide was finished months before it became publicly known. Two letters, drafted by the Health Department and meant for state legislators, were never sent.
The actions coincided with the period in which Mr. Cuomo was pitching and then writing a book on the pandemic, with the assistance of his top aide, Melissa DeRosa, and others.
Cuomo has repeatedly faced criticism over a directive he issued early in the pandemic on March 25, 2020 that prohibited nursing homes from refusing admission to patients with Covid-19. Under this policy, more than 9,000 Covid-positive patients were admitted to hundreds of nursing homes across the state early in the pandemic. That number is 40% higher than what had initially been released by the New York State Department of Health, according to the Associated Press.
In the ensuing months, the Cuomo administration withheld data relating to the impact the directive may have had on the spread of the virus in nursing homes across New York state. Many have blamed the policy for the high number of deaths among nursing home patients, which officially numbered around 6,200 as of last July. By January, the official number was 8,505.
And yet, Andrew Cuomo isn’t ultimately responsible for this genocide: every son, daughter, grandchild and custodian who pushed their elderly loved-one into a “hospice” for convenience did. Rather than be burdened with their every-day care and needs, the pushed their responsibility off on a system that devoured them.
Most devastating of all is the realization (thanks to breakthrough exposés like The Disciples of Ra!) that all “Medicine” is based upon a system designed to sicken, impoverish and murder it’s victims while we’ve all been trusting it to do the exact opposite.
The very concoctions you have trusted—”medicines” and “vaccines”—have been the vectors of poison murderers have used to kill with. When they lack the courage for vicious and outright murder, they whittle away at the victim’s will to live with psychological attacks such as telling their “patients” they only have a short time left.
As we have shown repeatedly on this site, in our Team Briefs, and in Johnny’s books, all roads still lead to Rome and the Great Harlot wishes to control every aspect of our lives.
This agenda became much more attainable thanks to the Counter-Reformation led by the Jesuits. It’s then not surprising that fields such as medicine, health care, and nursing have their roots in Roman Catholicism.
The Christian Origins of the Hospital | Catholic Answers
Did you know that the institution we know as the hospital is entirely an invention of the Catholic Church?
Well, it was. The ancient world had all the material ingredients needed for such an institution. It had medical professionals, and it had sick people. It had a centuries-old tradition of medical science and technology. And yet it could not bring all that together to make a hospital. There was no way to make such a venture profitable, so there was no compelling motive to keep such a venture running during an epidemic.
What they had instead were individual freelance practitioners, who moved from place to place like traveling salesmen — usually outrunning their most recent failure. They passed down their knowledge, as trade secrets, within their family and never risked public disclosure.
The pagans had medicine. What they lacked was charity, as it came to be expressed in hospital-ity, the virtue that gave the healthcare institution its name.
It was Christians who invented the hospital, and they did this in response to a real need, an urgent need—in a time of epidemic.
It was the middle of the third century, and the world found itself suddenly oppressed by plague. Scholars disagree on whether the disease was smallpox or influenza. Some say it was Ebola. But whatever the bug was, it quickly reached pandemic levels—and it stayed there for thirteen years. In that time, the population of the empire was reduced by thirty percent, and there was a corresponding decline in every sector of the economy, not to mention the military.
“Whatever the bug was”, it certainly gave the opportunity for the Catholic Church to establish itself as a charitable “Christian” organization, having control over people’s wellbeing, and a chance to build up layers of pseudo-science. All these benefits seem to be overlooked by the author of the above article for Catholic Answers since he mentioned “There was no way to make such a venture profitable, so there was no compelling motive to keep such a venture running during an epidemic”. Nevertheless, the Catholic Church did find a way:
History of Nursing – Wikipedia
According to Geoffrey Blainey, the Catholic Church in Europe provided many of the services of a welfare state: “It conducted hospitals for the old and orphanages for the young; hospices for the sick of all ages; places for the lepers; and hostels or inns where pilgrims could buy a cheap bed and meal”. It supplied food to the population during famine and distributed food to the poor. This welfare system the church funded through collecting taxes on a large scale and possessing large farmlands and estates.
When your body is spent enough and you’re just waiting for the “holy unction”, you might be placed in a hospice to spend your last days in the care of the professionals. Looking for the word “hospice” in the dictionary, we read the following:
Hospice Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster
Definition of hospice
1: a lodging for travelers, young persons, or the underprivileged especially when maintained by a religious order
2: a program designed to provide palliative care and emotional support to the terminally ill in a home or homelike setting so that quality of life is maintained and family members may be active participants in care
A more careful search reveals that by “religious order” it should be read “Catholic”.
A Brief History of Hospice, Hospice Care (understandhospice.org)
The word ‘hospice’ derives from the Latin word hospes, which means both ‘guest’ and ‘host.’ Since the 11th century, the concept of hospice was adopted by the Roman Catholic tradition to refer to a place of hospitality for the sick and dying as well as for travelers and pilgrims. The first of such hospices are believed to have been established during the Crusades. Hospices were widespread in the Middle Ages but diminished as religious orders became dispersed.
The modern usage of hospice as a place for and philosophy of end-of-life care began with the work of a British physician named Dame Cicely Saunders. Dr. Saunders began work with terminally ill patients in the London area in 1948 as a nurse and earned her medical degree in 1957. In 1963, during a talk at Yale University in the US, Dr. Saunders introduced the idea of specialized care for the dying, which centered on palliative care rather than treatments to cure. In the audience were doctors, nurses, chaplains, and medical students.
According to MayoClinic.org, palliative care is specialized medical care that focuses on providing patients relief from pain and other symptoms of a serious illness, no matter the diagnosis or stage of disease.
The truth is that managing symptoms is all doctors do nowadays. Even the drugs they prescribe to end some symptoms end up creating new ones called “side effects”.
A symptom is just nothing more than a sign your body gives that warns you something is wrong. Our bodies are complex machines composed of organs that must function in total harmony. In order to correctly interpret that sign and address its root cause, a complete history of the individual health, physical and alimentary habits must be known. Nevertheless, healthcare nowadays is mainly directed in treating symptoms with the use of drugs or vaccines; never with the intention to totally heal you so that you can be dependent on this system and always come back as a good costumer.
A “serious illness” doesn’t happen at once. Most likely, it’s the culmination of a process in a person that has been continually poisoned through their entire life by pesticides and GMO’s, heavy metals on vaccines, electromagnetism from cell towers, fluoride in the water, plus a myriad of other chemicals present in process food. Sadly, because most doctors are not even looking for any of the culprits just mentioned, but rather looking at invisible bogeymen like “viruses”, it’s inevitable that those “serious illness” will occur, and the person will end up in the care of the “professionals” until they draw their last breath.
More on Dr. Saunders:
Dame Cicely Mary Strode Saunders OM DBE FRCS FRCP FRCN (22 June 1918 – 14 July 2005) was an English nurse, social worker, physician and writer. She is noted for her work in terminal care research and her role in the birth of the hospice movement, emphasizing the importance of palliative care in modern medicine, and opposing the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia.
While training for social work, she holidayed with some Christians and was converted to Christianity.[8] In the late 1940s, Saunders began working part-time at St Luke’s Home for the Dying Poor in Bayswater, and it was partly this which, in 1951, led her to begin studying to become a physician.
A year later, she began working at St Joseph’s Hospice, a Catholic establishment in Hackney, East London, where she would remain for seven years, researching pain control.
Saunders was an Anglican. In 1977, she was awarded an honorary Lambeth doctorate by the Archbishop of Canterbury. She later was made a Dame of the Order of St Gregory the Great (awarded by the Pope).

(Left) Dame Cicely meeting Pope John Paul II. (Right) The Archbishop of Canterbury gestures his approval at Lambeth Palace after conferring a Lambeth Doctorate of Medicine upon Dr Cicely Saunders, medical director of St. Christopher’s Hospice in South London.
Another personality regarded as the “founder of the modern hospice movement” is Rose Hawthorne, daughter of “classic poet” Nathaniel Hawthorne. Rose spent many years of her childhood in Europe thanks to her father’s position as consul. Despite visiting many countries, Rome must have left the biggest impression on her.
Rose Hawthorne: Founder of the Modern Hospice Movement | NewBostonPost
When Rose was two years old, the Hawthornes moved to England when Nathaniel became the American Consul in Liverpool. The seven years they spent in Europe had a profound impact on the passionate, introspective Rose. During their travels through Portugal, France, and Italy, Rose’s parents taught her the importance of having faith and leading a sincere, purposeful life caring for others.
The family spent an extended period of time in Rome while Nathaniel was working on the gothic classic, The Marble Faun. The Hawthornes immersed themselves in the rich cultural surroundings of the city. After seeing Pope Pius IX during Holy Week, Rose wrote: “I became eloquent about the Pope, and was rewarded by a gift from my mother of a little medallion of him and a gold scudo with an excellent likeness thereon, both always tenderly reverenced by me.”
It’s told that after suffering a personal tragedy, Rose Hawthorne found solace in the Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul in Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts. It was then, according to her, that she found her purpose in life, which was caring for the terminally ill and poor. After spending time as a nurse in the New York Cancer Hospital, she went on to found her own religious order as “Mother” Mary Alphonsa.
Mother Mary Alphonsa – Wikipedia
In the summer of 1896, Hawthorne trained as a nurse at the then–New York Cancer Hospital, the first institution in the United States to provide training in treating cancer at a time when general hospitals in the city did not admit patients with cancer. Later that year, she founded a charitable organization named after Saint Rose of Lima, Sister Rose’s Free Home, to care for impoverished cancer patients. At first, she visited patients at their homes. In October 1896, she rented three rooms in a tenement on Scammel Street on the Lower East Side, a poor immigrant neighborhood, with the help of an assistant named Alice Huber. A Dominican priest, Father Clement Thuente, O.P., witnessed their work in February 1899 and encouraged them to join the Dominican order as tertiaries (Third Order Dominicans).
On December 8, 1900, Sister Rose founded a new religious order, with the approval of Archbishop Michael A. Corrigan of New York. The order was named the Servants of Relief for Incurable Cancer; she became its first Mother Superior, with the name Mother Mary Alphonsa. Alice became known as Mother Rose. The order—now known as the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne—opened a facility called St. Rose’s Home on Water Street in Manhattan; it then moved to Cherry Street, before settling north of New York City in what is now Rosary Hill Home in Hawthorne.

(Left) Rose Hawthorne (Courtesy of Hawthorne Dominican Sisters). (Right) “Mother” Mary Alphonsa in her habit.
“Servants of Relief for Incurable Cancer” is an interesting name. Cancer is the most “managed” disease there is and, as a result of our increasingly poisonous environment, is one that has seen exponential growth throughout the world.
In the 1830s, cancer was responsible for two per cent of the deaths around Paris; cancer caused four per cent of deaths in the United States in 1900.
With the rise of cancer came “modern” methods of coping with it. A leading critic of the medical establishment, Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, comments that “Modern cancer surgery someday will be regarded with the same kind of horror that we now regard the use of leeches in George Washington’s time.” “Murder By Injection”, Mullins, p. 41
Also, the techniques used by “Doctors” to combat cancer make sure that those “Servants” will have plenty of job mitigating “incurable cancer”.
The surgery of which he spoke is the widely accepted and imposed method of cancer treatment now in vogue throughout the United States. It is called the “cut, slash and burn” technique. This method of cancer treatment actually represents the highwater mark of the … [“]medicine[“] in the United States. It relies almost exclusively on surgery, bleeding and heavy use of drugs, with the exotic addition of radium treatment. “Murder By Injection”, Mullins, p. 41
“Doctors” are paid large sums of money to manage cancer with toxic sessions called “chemo-therapy” before they send the patient to the “Servants” for their “final care”.
Guardians who choose not to treat their loved one’s cancer with carcinogens are then bullied and sometimes forced by a combination of “Doctors” and government into doing it anyway.
Brian Bernhard told his “Oncologist” that he has tried every possible drug to cure his wife Patty’s ovarian cancer — Cisplatinum, Taxol, Taxotere, Gemzar — not only where they ineffective but they were causing Patty extreme pain. The response of their “Oncologist” was, “I’m showering her organs with poison. It’s going to hurt.”
They know exactly what they are doing.
The base salary for an Oncologist is $250,000 and they are paid by the number of “patients” they pump drugs, chemicals and toxins into.
When Jim and Donna Navarro were told their little boy had leukemia and the only treatment was chemo-therapy they responded, “We want a second opinion.” They were told, “All ‘second opinions’ will tell you the same thing.”
That’s because anyone who can actually reverse cancer has been fined, arrested, un-licensed and/or run out of country. ~ Cirucci 1
These few paragraphs only offer but a glimpse of the control Rome has over our health. There are many more connections involving modern treatment, vaccines, “scientific findings”, etc. that are tackled in “The Disciples of Ra!”. If there’s any good that this fake pandemic brought, it was our attention to how thoroughly controlled and manipulated medicine is.
The bottom line is that if you’re responsible for the care of someone, then just do it.
Because if you don’t, they will…
- The Disciples of Ra! Cirucci, KDP (12 FEB 2022), p. 389
I know this article is about palliative death-care but just to say, Johnny, I was heartbroken when my 7yr old granddaughter shrank away from me when I went to give her a hug. She had been groomed in school not to hug grandparents. It was totally heartbreaking. Her parents and I explained it was fine to hug Grandma and Granddad and we soon got back to hugging. 💕🙏
This is the price for turning your children over to Satanists to harm.
Most don’t have the time or money to “home-school” and those that do STILL have their money ripped from them to pay for the system by their governments.