* Why are all the Pedocracy “whistleblowers” ignoring Johnny?
* Putting the “Spotlight” on priest pedophilia.
* Anglican Bishop Tony Palmer; dead or disappeared?
Butcher Harris Loosed the Flames of the Inquisition Upon Luther’s Homeland
* From Butcher Harris to Eisenhower’s Death Camp.
The D.C. Snipers Were Vatican Assassins
* Parkland had a cop at the school who didn’t intervene in the “shooting” and then mis-directed fellow first-responders!
* Is “Conservative” internet news controlled? —ask World Net Daily’s Joseph Francis Farah.
* Is it a coincidence that Jesuit General Peter Hans Kolvenbach was based in Farah’s home of Lebanon just as the “War on Terror” began?
* How many times has the FBI “lost track” of a situation that caused harm to American citizens?
* Daryl Issa to Eric Holder: “You OWN ‘Fast and Furious’!” Yup. He’s “owning it” alright; all the way to his candidacy for President.
* From John Allen Muhammad to Robert Philip Hanssen; Rome spins them up then takes credit for taking them down.
* Teens for gun confiscation: they all unanimously chose the Beatles for their marching music?
* Why couldn’t Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg keep his story straight?
* From the Parkland shooting to the D.C. snipers to the murder of Chandra Levy.
* The unbelievable corruption surrounding the Levy “investigation”!
* From the DC snipers to Jimmy Savile; police corruption will shock you.
* Jimmy Savile “can’t” be un-knighted by neither the U.K. nor the Vatican but pedophile priest John Geoghan’s anemic conviction for touching a boy in a pool was expunged because he was murdered in prison.
* The shocking, war crimes of WWII swept under the carpet because Protestants were slaughtered wholesale on both sides.
* The Roman reasons for Harry Truman’s success.
* Heroes Douglas MacArthur and George Patton helped betray the veterans of WWI with tanks and bayonets.
* The nuance between George Patton, Jack Kennedy and Gary Webb.
* General Mark Clark, the Jewish Episcopal butcher for Rome behind the debacle of Anzio.
* Guess where Kennedy assassination conspirator Clay Shaw spent his WWII Army Intelligence days.
* The Age of Jesuit Aquarius!
* Liddy vs. Leary
* The big ADULT money behind the “spontaneous teenage” March to Confiscate Guns movement.
* Lift the Veil Stoplman “debunks” the March for Gun Confiscation early permit…but not really.
* Catholic Cardinal to “attend” Bilderberg.
* Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer: saving us from abandoned trafficking camps that are preying upon innocent Roman Catholic illegal aliens!!!
* When real treason needs doing, call in the Navy SEALs! —then back them up with plenty of propaganda!!!
* Charlie Sheen: incestuous “Vatican Assassin”.
* Robert Schuler’s “Crystal Cathedral” returns to its original management!
* A Jesuit, an atheist and an astronomer walk into a bar to discuss “God vs. ‘science’”…
* Conservatives in India say Vatican trying to subvert their government!