Who Are The Jesuits And Why Are They So Powerful?
Felipe Robles and Giovanni Cirucci
Don Inigo Lopez de Recalde, after Romanizing his name, has become known as Ignatius of Loyola.
Loyola, is perhaps the second most infamous man to only Judas Iscariot, the man who should have never been born.
Such a statement may seem like wild hyperbole, especially considering that the great majority of people don’t have the slightest idea who Loyola was and what he created. Nevertheless, each and every one of us is subject to the matrix of lies first idealized by him and perfected through centuries by his followers. Only a few of us that are aware of it, dare to expose it “for there’s nothing hidden that will not be disclosed”.
Inigo Lopez was born in the castle of Loyola, in the province of Gipuzkoa, in 1491. He would go on to become one of the most famous monks in the Catholic Church, as well as a “saint” and the founder of his own religious order. He called the order “The Knights of the Virgin Mary” (the pagan “Queen of Heaven”) but a cagey, ruthless Pope, Alessandro “Paul III” Farnese, renamed them “The Society of Jesus”.
Despite this pious resumé, his disorderly life prior to becoming a monk is well-known.
A police report said he was “treacherous, brutal, vindictive”. All his biographers admit that he yielded to none of his boon companions regarding the violence of the instincts, then a common thing. “An unruly and conceited soldier”, said one of his confidants— “he led a disorderly life as far as women, gambling and duels were concerned”, added his secretary Polanco. ~ Paris 1
Loyola was accustomed to royalty, being a courtier for many years first for the treasurer of the Castille and then for the Viceroy of Navarre. He began his military career defending the Castille stronghold of Pamplona against the French when a cannon ball shattered his leg and caused him to be immobile for extended periods after surgery. This event is said to have deeply transformed him from a courtier/soldier to a holy man.
His sole entertainment, while lying wounded and in pain, was the reading of the “Life of Christ” and the “Life of the Saints”, the only books found in the castle.
As he was practically uneducated and still affected by that terrible shock, the anguish of Christ’s passion and the martyrdom of the saints had an indelible impact on him; this obsession led the crippled warrior on to the road of apostolate. ~ Paris 2
From the excerpt above, we can comprehend a bit about what a “Catholic conversion” is about, which gives preference to the writings of man rather than the Scriptures.
According to Frank OʹCollins (whom some biographies state is an “ex-Jesuit”), Lopez/Loyola was a ruthless dictator who created the concept of a “secret police” to help keep a hostile populace subdued. OʹCollins, like Paris, also states Loyola’s post-injury piety is a myth.
It is claimed Íñigo de Loyola suddenly found religion sometime after 1522 during his recovery. Given his previous history as a brutal tyrant and sadist, it is more likely during this period of recovery he refined his theories on the use of secret forces, agents and assassins to maintain order, apart from brute military force. ~ One Evil
After his recovery, Lopez/Loyola was determined to become a Catholic saint. To achieve that, he resorted to flagellation, maceration, fasting, penance, and long confessions before the “Madona”, “Mary, the mother of God”. As a result of this intensive effort, he started seeing “heavenly visions” that would reveal to him truths, knowledge and secrets. [The below account is written in the present tense.]
“It is because of a vision”, says H. Boehmer, “that he started eating meat again; it is a whole series of visions that revealed to him the mysteries of the Catholic dogma and helped him to truly live it: in that way, he meditates upon the Trinity under the shape of a musical instrument with three cords; the mystery of the creation of the world through ‘something’ hazy and light coming out of a ray of sunshine; the miraculous descent of Christ into the Eucharist as flashes of light entering the consecrated water, when the priest held it up while praying; the human nature of Christ and the holy Virgin under the form of a dazzling white body; and finally Satan as a serpentine and shimmering shape similar to a multitude of sparkling and mysterious eyes(6).” Is not this the start of the well-known Jesuitic image-making? ~ Paris 3
Edmund Paris makes a parallel between Loyola’s state and what happens to opium smokers since in both cases they have very similar experiences: the illusion of having been given information from other dimensions (from on-high), but later having very limited recollection of what really happened. This behavioral pattern regarding communication between God and men is never encountered in the Bible. For instance, even though both Daniel and John the Apostle are given eschatological visions, both men were able to write about them and explain what they saw in detail. Loyola was never able to explain the mysteries that were revealed to him. Nevertheless, it was this mystic element combined with his calculative mind that made Loyola a very dangerous individual capable of creating the Jesuit Order: an order of infiltration and subversion.
Some time in 1527, after returning from a pilgrimage to the “Holy Land”, Loyola raised suspicions from the Inquisition because of zealotry and gnostic mysticism. His first run-in was at the University of Alcala in Barcelona and then there was a second in Salamanque. In both cases, he was released on the condition he desisted from his pursuits. He faced trouble again later at the college of Montague in Paris, but he retreated with the companionship of a few colleagues, Salmeron and Lainez amongst them.
It was around that time that a small book in his possession started making its impact on others. Little did people knew, but this book called the “Spiritual Exercises” was destined to be one of the most influential books in the world. Yet, to this day, it is a well-kept secret.
The “Spiritual Exercises” is the textbook of the Jesuit Order, and it contains a series of meditations and “contemplations” carefully crafted by its founder. A novice in the Order or any other individual undertaking these Exercises is invited to meditate in a period of a month upon the “mysteries” of the Catholic faith and to relive them. Every detail about this experience is meticulously planned from breathing pace to correct wording or incantation; all previously studied by Loyola to be the most effective for imbuing into the proselyte’s subconscious whatever ideals that are most profitable to the “master”.
“Ignatius understood more clearly than any other leader of men who preceded him that the best way to raise a man to a certain ideal is to become master of his imagination. We “imbue into him spiritual forces which he would find very difficult to eliminate later”, forces more lasting than all the best principles and doctrines; these forces can come up again to the surface, sometimes after years of not even mentioning them, and become so imperative that the will finds itself unable to oppose any obstacle and has to follow their irresistible impulse”. ~ Paris 4
In most, if not in all the religions, its followers must abandon their individual thinking in order to follow what the pastor, preacher, or priest says. This is clearly seen in traditional Roman Catholicism where the traditional form of the most extravagant ceremony called “Mass” is celebrated in Latin, a language that the common person doesn’t comprehend. If memorization of Mass rituals starting in early childhood already imbues forces that are very difficult to eliminate later in life, imagine boosting it with a “spiritual retreat” in which one allows a priest to be the master of their mind for at least 30 days. Few are able to resist what is literally “mind control”.
Loyola’s main intent is to have his subordinate’s complete obedience in which his soldiers would move “Perinde ac Cadaver” without a will of their own.
The Superior General’ s small army would be trained by the Spiritual Exercises to practice a brand of obedience Loyola termed contemplativus in actione, active contemplation, instantaneous obedience with all critical thought suppressed. As stated in Section 353.1 of the Exercises, “We must put aside all judgment of our own and keep the mind ever ready and prompt to obey in all things the hierarchical Church.” But Jesuit obedience would be more than mere obedience of the will. An obedient will suppresses what it would do in order to obey what a superior wants done. Ignatius demanded obedience of the understanding. An obedient understanding alters its perception of reality according to the superior’s dictates. Section 365.13 declares, “We must hold fast to the following principle: What seems to me white, I will believe black if the hierarchical Church so defines.” Francis Xavier would later describe this quality of submission in a vow that unintentionally summarized the Jesuit mission: “I would not even believe in the Gospels were the Holy Church to forbid it.” ~ Saussy 5
This is what makes Roman Catholicism a powerful, dangerous weapon having nothing to do with Jesus Christ or the one-on-one relationship with Him that He asks of His followers.
From “science” to entertainment, we are all immersed in Loyola’s Spiritual exercises.
There are plenty of reasons to keep a close eye on Herman van Rompuy, the President of the European Council. Early September, Van Rompuy spoke to the “Interreligious Dialogue” in Florence. The world press did not notice, but fortunately there was still the “Katholiek Nieuwsblad” from Den Bosch, Rome’s last resort in the Netherlands. The newspaper proudly quoted Van Rompuy as announcing: “We are all Jesuits”. He was referring to those prominent European leaders with whom he is developing the architecture for the future Europe. “It creates unbreakable ties. So there is a ‘Jesuits International’”. ~ Derk Jan Eppink6
When “doctors” and politicians demand one to believe a “virus” is floating around to get them at every corner and that one must also believe in their “positive test” telling they are sick, the same “doctors” and politicians are demanding you obey “perinde ac cadaver” — without a will of your own. Regardless of evidence shown by real science, one must believe that viruses exist as the society hierarchy demands it. Then, in order to shore up one’s imagination on the subject, Hollywood creates countless of titles including The Andromeda Strain (1971), The Omega Man (1971), Outbreak (1995), I Am Legend (2007), Pandemic (2009), Contagion (2011), World War Z (2013), and Pandemic (2016) just to name a few. The same tactics are employed in many other venues including “Space exploration” and dinosaurs.
As far as “entertainment”, movies and Hollywood go, no other endeavor could have best worked out for the Jesuits. A quick search on Google (the most powerful internet search engine created on 27 September, the founding date of the Jesuits) for the words “subconscious” and “watching tv”, brings up a myriad of results about how they affect one’s subconscious, bringing it to a hypnotic state.
Your mind slips into the hypnotic trance state within seconds of watching TV. This lowers your brainwaves to a lower “alpha state” commonly associated with meditation and deep relaxation. This is believed to be caused by the screen flicker and explains why you feel sleepy while watching TV.
Under this state of trance, your subconscious mind becomes highly suggestible and whatever information you receive from the TV becomes part of your memory pool. ~ How TV Influences Your Mind Through Hypnosis, PsychMechanics
The website Jesuits in Ireland affirms that film and television are powerful influences on our imagination and compile an impressive list of 40 movies in which Ignatian Spiritual themes are found. From Star Wars to the Matrix, Avatar to the Book of Eli, Jesuitical ideals and principles are there.
Ultimately, however, this is mind control made easy through mimicry. Malignancy has no creativity, no depth, no soul; it must steal and appropriate true meaning from those who have it and the Jesuits are able to do this after centuries of studying the Bible in their ongoing efforts to destroy it.
In 2016, the movie Silence from Altar Boy and seminarian, Italian Roman Catholic Martin Scorsese portrayed terrible persecution the Jesuits had to endure to bring Catholicism to 17th-century Japan.
Cunningly, Scorsese (alternatively portrayed by media as a “lapsed Catholic” while admitting “you can’t leave Catholicism”7) starts his story after the Jesuits have been found by Japanese rulers to be a military insurgency. Repeatedly, they were commanded to leave Japan and each time they disobeyed. Daimyo Toyotomi Hideyoshi and his successor Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu banned the Jesuits but they went underground and were discovered. It was only then that the persecution began.
Here, too, weavers of make-believe like Scorsese paint the Jesuits as “spreading the Christian Gospel”. Nothing could be further from the truth. They were securing a power stronghold for their empire as they did in South America where they put their ideas of communism into practice.
But theater is powerful magic and it has sway even over those who create it, such as Jewish actor Andrew Garfield who undertook the tutelage of Jesuit James Martin in order to play his character of “Rodrigues”, a Jesuit Priest.
Scorsese enlisted the help of Father James Martin S.J., editor-at-large of America magazine, to help the actors immerse themselves into Jesuit spirituality. In particular, Father Martin led Andrew Garfield through the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola in a process called “Exercises in Daily Life” that spanned a period of six months. Garfield took the preparation very seriously and sincerely wanted to learn more about these spiritual lessons that have changed the lives of so many throughout the centuries.
By the end of it Garfield admitted, “I got totally swept up in all things Jesuit and very taken with Jesuit spirituality.” He was so immersed in Jesuit spirituality that Garfield would stop and make suggestions on the set of the film, saying, “A Jesuit wouldn’t say that.” ~ Aleteia.org
Unfortunately, for someone like a Hollywood actor, that has a knowledge of Christianity but is not grounded in the Truth of Jesus Christ, these Exercises can indeed be appealing and as Loyola itself would say, “hard to resist”.
Even though Loyola founded the Jesuit Order on 15 August 1534, his company did not receive it’s Papal approval until 27 September 1540 from the Bull of Alessandro “Paul III” Farnese entitled Regimini militantis Ecclesiae.)
It is interesting to note that even the connection to the internet search engine “Google” (so dominating in providing information that it is synonymous with the concept; “Google it…”) is one that has been appropriated.
Google celebrated September 7 (the day when the company was incorporated) as its birthday till 2005.
In 2005 Google changed the date to September 27 to make it coincide with the announcement of the record number of pages that the search engine was indexing. ~ CNN News18, India
Undoubtedly, the Farnese Pope’s approval was greatly motivated by the fact that the Catholic Church was reeling thanks to the return of Biblical Christianity led by rogue Augustinian Priest Martin Luther. Luther’s movement, powered by other brave Christians such as Frenchman Jehan Cauvin (“John Calvin”), Swiss Huldrych Zwingli, Scot John Knox and others, had destroyed the hold Catholic clergy had on the souls of millions.
In 1545, the Catholic Church convened one of its most famous councils in history. It took place north of Rome in a city called Trent. The Council of Trent continued for three sessions ending in 1563. One of its main purposes was to plan a counterattack against Martin Luther and the Protestants. Thus, the Council of Trent became a center for Rome’s Counter Reformation.
Up to this point, Rome’s main method of attack had been largely frontal: openly burning Bibles and heretics. Yet this warfare only confirmed in the minds of Protestants the conviction that papal Rome was indeed the Beast power that would “make war with the saints” (Revelation 13:7). Therefore a new tactic was needed, something less obvious. The sought after solution was found in the Jesuit Order. ~ The Jesuit Order and the Council of Trent, Amazing Discoveries.org
Loyola cunningly understood the impracticality of burning Bibles and Christians as the sole method of Counter Reformation. On the one hand, it could not keep up with the technological advancements brought by the advent of the printing press, and on the other hand, the Christians seemed to thrive during times of persecution.
As humanity was freeing itself from the shackles of the “Mother Church”, Loyola and his Company drove it all back to even deeper darkness thanks to a well-crafted false reality that could only have been brought about with help from Satan himself. To start their inglorious dominion, the Jesuits had two key objectives: be the Confessors of kings and the tutors of their children.
The Jesuits became the predominant group supplying confessors to (meaning, hearers of the confessions of) kings and princes and those in authority. As the New Catholic Encyclopedia says, “they acted as royal confessor to all French kings for 2 centuries, from Henry III to Louis XV; to all German emperors after the early 17th century; to all Dukes of Bavaria after 1579; to most rulers of Poland and Portugal; to the Spanish kings in the 18th century; to James II of England; and to many ruling or princely families throughout Europe.”
As advisors to kings, they influenced political policy. A royal confessor was not slow to tell a king that he had a duty to make the kind of political alliances that would promote the temporal interests of the Church. It was Le Tellier, Jesuit confessor to Louis XIV, who in the 1680’s persuaded that monarch to revoke the Edict of Nantes, which granted religious liberty to Protestants. ~ Jesuits As Royal Confessors. Anglican.org
Just a quick search online reveals how many recent powerful and influential people were indoctrinated in Jesuit Universities such as Joseph Stalin, trained by Jesuit monks at Tiflis Seminary, Bill Clinton who got his Foreign Service degree at Georgetown University, and Denzel Washington, famous Hollywood actor who attended Fordham University.
From Ignatius Loyola to today’s Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Arturo Sosa, the Black Popes (as they are known) have enjoyed total power through centuries while, at the same time, being well hidden from the rest of the world.
“The general’s power concerning absolution and dispensations is even wider. He can lift all punishment inflicted on the members of the Society before or after them entering the Order, absolve all their sins, even the sin of heresy and schism, the falsification of apostolic writings, etc… “The general absolves, in person or through a delegate, all those who are under his obedience, of the unhappy state arising from excommunication, suspension or interdict, provided these censures were not inflicted for excesses so enormous that others, beside the papal tribunal, knew about them. He also absolves the irregularity issuing, from bigamy, injuries done to others, murder, assassination, etc. as long as these wicked deeds were not publicly known and the cause of a scandal”. Finally, Gregory XIII bestowed on the Company the right to deal in commerce and banking, a right it made use of extensively later on. These dispensations and unprecedented powers were fully guaranteed to them. ~ Paris 8
The “Society of Jesus” knows this and revels in it.
See, sir, from this chamber I govern not only to Paris, but to China, not only to China, but to all the world, without any one to know how I do it.”
Michaelangelo Tamburini
14th Jesuit General, 1706-1739 ~ Sherman 9
Perhaps, Napoleon Bonaparte, leader of the French Revolution at the turn of the 19th Century, can best describe why a religious leader of the Catholic Church would have such an unusual title as “General”.
The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power — power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses. ~ Napoleon Bonaparte
There are many abuses committed by the Order throughout the ages and many books were written exposing their machinations. Unfortunately, through cunning deception, intrigue, and infiltration, their dominion over people’s lives is Satanically perfect to the point that most of those same people are totally unaware of their masters.
Loyola, it seems, has created the perfect prison. One that does not require chains or cells…a prison for the mind.
It’s the purpose of this and subsequent articles to expose the truth about these Enemies of Mankind in hopes that it will set you free.
- The Secret History of Jesuits, Edmond Paris, Chick Publications (1983), pp. 15-16)
- The Secret History of Jesuits, Edmond Paris, Chick Publications (1983), p. 16)
- The Secret History of Jesuits, Edmond Paris, Chick Publications (1983), p. 17)
- The Secret History of Jesuits, Edmond Paris, Chick Publications (1983), p. 21
- Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies, Frederick Tupper Saussy, Ospray Bookmakers (1999), pp. 47-48
- Eppink’s article taken down but a pdf is still available here.
- This is only true for those who have nothing to replace it with.
- The Secret History of Jesuits, Edmond Paris, Chick Publications (1983), p. 21)
- The Engineer Corps of Hell; or, Rome’s Sappers and Miners. Containing the Tactics of the Militia of the Pope, of the Secret Manual of the Jesuits, and Other Matter Intensely Interesting, Especially to the Freemasons and Lovers of Civil and Religious Liberty, Withersoever Dispersed Throughout The Globe, Edwin Allen Sherman, 32°, Copywrite 1883, p. 33
Awesome expose.
Interesting article. I think your material observations in a long essay is that the Jesuits are in the battle for control of the human mind and imagination. It’s a ruthless battle and Jesuits have organized themselves like an authoritarian force and army. It’s a long essay and difficult in the space available all the suggestions and points being made.
My questions are the Jesuits the only ones in this battle for the human mind?
If there’s indeed an ongoing Battle the Jesuits joined and continue to wage are their tools/means adopted appropriate with their stated ends the greater glory of God of love and Jesus came to reveal? Are they consistent with the Kingdom of Heaven Jesus established?
My short answer is Yes! For a longer answer for those who do not see an alignment of Jesuit methods with the God of truth and love. They can reference Jesuit material that easily available.
This is a matter of epistemology that can easily be tested by philosophy, theology, logic and reasoning and common sense. If we leave predilection at the door