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Mon, 30 April 2012

Freedom News for Monday, 30 April 2012

FEDERAL BUREAU OF INSTIGATION NY TIMES WAKES UP TO FBI’s MANUFACTURING FALSE-FLAG TERROR Although it’s great to see a “mainstream” source hit this subject it goes FAR beyond the examples of outrageous entrapment to flat out MANUFACTURING EVENTS. (JULY 2011) TOP OF THE LINE MILITARY…
Wed, 4 April 2012

Freedom News for Wednesday, 04 April 2012

THE DESTRUCTION OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY (WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY BEING USED AS THE MUSCLE FOR GLOBALIST BANKERS) Gay Flag Flies at Afghan Base But the Christian Cross Is Banned Pop Slut Katy Perry’s Outrageous Man-Hating Amazonian Propaganda to Help the Marines Drop More Females Into…