Wed, 30 May 2018
“And They All Drank From Her Cup of Fornications”
Religious events can tell you a lot about someone. They can even tell you whom they secretly revere. Births, baptisms, marriages, funerals — often those who show no outward reverence for Roman Catholicism betray themselves with these events. Then I saw another beast coming up…
Tue, 28 February 2017
David Seaman: #PizzaGate-Keeper and Pedophile Double Agent
Joseph & Johnny For anyone who has tried to learn the truth about systemic child sex slave trafficking and Elite pedophilia, it doesn’t take long before you are directed to David Seaman. But, given that this issue is the scandal of the millennia, it’s important…
Sun, 26 February 2017
Your Child Rapist President Will Not Bring Justice In #PizzaGate
Felipe & Johnny The internet abounds with disinformation encouraged by foolish people who believe that America’s new President Donald Trump, or any law enforcement agency under him (from the FBI to the NYPD) is going to put an end to child sex slave rape, abuse,…
Mon, 21 November 2016
Papier-Mâché Patriots: How Historical Heroes Turn Up As Trojan Horses
I’s a game that has been played on us for quite some time. Commit a heinous, unspeakable crime using agents of treason within your own institutions. Use those institutions to cover up the crime with a ludicrous official story for mass consumption. Allow a carefully-selected…
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