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Thu, 23 August 2012

The Daily World Net of InfoWars

The foundational purpose of our efforts at is the perusal, discernment and dissemination of real news—information that directly and severely impacts the average American—along with pertinent commentary. The values behind that “commentary” are best summarized by our byline: “Where Ron Paul Meets Ronald Reagan”.…
Thu, 16 February 2012

Ron Paul

PJ pundit AlfonZo “Macho Sauce” Rachel is on the cutting edge of Right-leaning commentary. He recently posted a debate critique of Ron Paul and his Libertarian supporters. Here is my critique of his critique; OK, my brother. A critique of your critique. I am…
Sat, 9 April 2011

The Lieberman Masquerade

To so many on the Right, Senator Joe Lieberman (I, CT) is known as a “stand-up” guy...a man of integrity that we can count on as an ally in “The War on Terror”. In his last fight to get re-elected, he was knocked out of…