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Thu, 4 April 2019

Preface: The Dollar and the Vatican

FROM JOHNNY: Below find the work of two of my good friends. The brilliant talent who has done all of my graphics and dramatically upgraded my web site is now applying his gifts to resurrecting important literary works. Unlike all other sources who scoop up…
Thu, 23 August 2018

Resistance Rising 182: There’s No Such Thing As A “Classic”, Just Romans In Disguise

* What happened to The Wachowskis? * Ben Swann admits “I took myself off the air but, like Sun Tsu, I’m back with ‘crypto currency’.” * Ben Swann on “#PizzaGate” * Priest (some label “Jesuit”) attacks baby at Catholic baptism. * From…
Mon, 1 February 2016

Hank Hanegraaff: the Papal Answer Man

“Bible Answer Man” Hank Hanegraaff and his “Christian Research Institute” are the Snopes of Western Christendom and, just like the devious couple behind “Snopes”, they work tirelessly on behalf of the Luciferian Elite to sow discord and protect the Final Beast of Biblical prophecy: Rome.…
Mon, 23 February 2015

The Long Coup D’etat to Finally be Celebrated!

For generations, Rome (lead by the Jesuits), has subverted and infiltrated her greatest philosophical enemy: Protestant America. She has repeatedly used her secret society puppets to control America’s most poisonous foes—her own intelligence agencies and financial institutions. The takeover has been so complete, September 24th,…
Tue, 19 August 2014

Illuminati DEFEATED

While Conservitard Super-Sleuths like Allen West are ever-so-slowly coming to the shocking conclusion that *sharp intake of breath* Barack Hussein Obama is an Islamist, we’ve spent the past 3 columns proving that Islam is the Scimitar of the CIA, the CIA is run by the…