Mon, 9 July 2018
Resistance Rising 177: The Message Behind The Message in Transformers—The Last Knight
* Transformers: Romans Saving The Matrix * Rome-flix backfire? Did the Netflix documentary “The Keepers” connect John Podesta to Cathy Cesnik’s brutal rape and death? John Podesta (AKA Skippy) Link to Sister Cathy Cesnik’s Murder? (Updated) “SKIPPY” ADMITTED TO BE PODESTA’S EVIL ALTER EGO *…
Tue, 3 July 2018
Royal Roman Wedding
feu·dal·ism; (ˈfyo͞odlˌizəm/), noun, historical: the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on…
Fri, 22 June 2018
Resistance Rising 175: Cui Bono? Who Benefits From False Flags?
* Puerto Rican National Guard C-130 takes a “mysterious” nose-dive into a George highway. * The National Guard does NOT serve the interests of the States and their citizens (that’s why they spend so much time on crazy deployments from Libya to Lithuania). * War…
Mon, 11 June 2018
The D.C. Snipers Were Vatican Assassins
You live in a false reality matrix. The truth of your existence is that you are a slave immersed in a sea of lies. The caretakers of that alternative reality are the very people you trust with your wellbeing: cops, judges, soldiers, politicians, journalists, scientists,…
Thu, 31 May 2018
The Why Of The Globe Lie — Flat Earth United With Johnny Cirucci
Wed, 30 May 2018
“And They All Drank From Her Cup of Fornications”
Religious events can tell you a lot about someone. They can even tell you whom they secretly revere. Births, baptisms, marriages, funerals — often those who show no outward reverence for Roman Catholicism betray themselves with these events. Then I saw another beast coming up…
Tue, 8 May 2018
Did Hale Boggs Drop From The Sky?
Another web of treason and deceit that traces back to Rome. The story surrounding the “Hale-Bopp comet” is as sketchy as the disappearance of powerful Democrat Congressman Thomas Hale Boggs during his October 16th, 1972 flight from Anchorage to Juneau, Alaska along with Alaskan Democrat…
Fri, 4 May 2018
Resistance Rising 173: Flat Earth, Sunday Law, Roman Agents Outed, Feminism, Hollywood & Media EXPOSED
Johnny talks starting his own Wiki and how it would give you all the research he looks for and finds. Johnny’s Wiki examples: globe Earth gate-keepers. Johnny does what no-one else in the “Truth Community” does: gives you the “Who?” and the “Why?” behind…
Thu, 26 April 2018
Resistance Rising 172: The Gender Blending Vatican Is Behind False Flags
difficult issue to nail down which is why frauds in “alternative media” blow it up as a distraction but it’s a real issue; from Baphomet to Michelle Obama Barack Obama: abused as a child by Chicago (Jesuit?) trained black Communist Frank Marshall Davis, in Hawaii…
Fri, 20 April 2018
Resistance Rising 171: You Live In A Roman False Reality Matrix
CNN FauxNews Roman Fraud "news", politics the Cuomo family (Catholic Communist ruling Elite) Chris Cuomo at C.I.A.NN, Anderson Cooper-Vanderbilt phony journalists the fraud of “education” secret Jesuits in public education Ryan Reynolds / Deadpool / Hitman’s Bodyguard / Samuel Jackson Audie Murphy treason in Vietnam…
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