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Tue, 3 July 2018

Royal Roman Wedding

feu·dal·ism; (ˈfyo͞odlˌizəm/), noun, historical: the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on…
Tue, 24 February 2015

Lenny Pozner: the Sandy Hook Pozer

There is a very deeply disturbing agenda, the mere premise of which should shock you into reading further to see if any shred of it is true: Powerful forces in your own government have set up operations to terrorize and kill you and to blame…
Tue, 26 August 2014

Figuring Out Ferguson

If you don’t know what happened in Ferguson, MO, simply querying your favorite internet search engine will give you very helpful news outlets like the New York Times who will tell you: Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and killed Saturday, Aug. 9,…
Sun, 19 January 2014

New Police For The New World Order

One of the reasons a Judeo/Christian world view is so effective is that it begins with the premise that human beings are basically evil; selfish and self-centered. A human’s instinct is to lie, cheat and/or steal for what they covet. Discipline, upbringing and strong religious…
Fri, 17 January 2014

Special Occupations

There’s an old Puritan saw that goes something like “If it feels good, it’s probably wrong.” America has been feeling really good about the exploits of her Special Forces lately, but are we being manipulated towards a harmful end? SUNSHINE WARRIORS As soon as an…
Sat, 21 December 2013

What REALLY Happened At Sandy Hook?

There is a very deeply disturbing agenda, the mere premise of which should shock you into reading further to see if any shred of it is true: Powerful forces in your own government have set up operations to terrorize and kill you and to blame…
Thu, 21 November 2013

“War on Terror”

BEWARE THE MILITARY/INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX The immortal words of President Dwight D. Eisenhower during his Farewell Address have become the rallying cry for awakened Americans sick of being drained by war. After over a decade, citizens of the United States have nothing to show from their…
Sat, 16 November 2013

Mainstream Media Calls For Guillotine Executions

For a decade the internet and conspiracy circles have been atwitter (sorry) with rumors of government-ordered guillotines being secreted into warehouses to be brought out at the unveiling of the One World Order in fulfillment of the seemingly anachronistic prophecy of Revelation 20 regarding devout…
Sun, 6 October 2013

Why Was Miriam Carey Executed?

When I originally heard the reports “shots fired at DC Mall” I couldn’t believe it. Yet another incident so soon after the Navy Yard shooting? I dreaded the increased onslaught of calls to disarm the American people from the usual suspects and hesitated to investigate…