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Fri, 11 July 2014

Perestroika Deceived

In my previous column, I gave you key issues that would indicate to you who really cares about America and who is part of the subversive plot to tear her asunder. Those who mock or avoid issues like false flags, fluoride and toxic particulate falling…
Sun, 16 March 2014

Of Nazis & Communists

As I’ve already mapped out for you, modern war between nation-states is entirely controlled and fabricated for the purposes of; * massively increasing the wealth of the Elite * massively increasing the control the Elite have over you * slaughtering as many of you “useless…
Fri, 22 June 2012

Freedom News for Friday, 22 June 2012

YOU’VE BEEN HAD ASK YOURSELF HOW MUCH SAFER YOU ARE AFTER OVER A DECADE OF THE “WAR ON TERROR” __________________________ LITTLE TIN DICK-TATER NOW POPCORN AND MILK TO BE BANNED IN THE FIEFDOM OF BLOOM-TERD! Folks, this money-bag Luciferian is absolutely out-of-control. __________________________ THERE…