Doc Felipe, Johnny Cirucci
Recently, I came across the following news:
St. Bernadette’s relics to begin first tour to U.S. in Florida in April – Catholic News Service
MIAMI (CNS) — The relics of St. Bernadette, the Marian visionary of Lourdes, France, will tour the United States for the first time.
The visit will begin in South Florida at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Miami, with a morning welcome Mass April 7. The next day the relics will visit St. Bernadette Church in Hollywood, Florida, then return to Our Lady of Lourdes Church.
On April 11, Monday of Holy Week, Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski of Miami will celebrate an evening Mass at the church, which will be followed by a candlelight procession. The relics will stay at Our Lady of Lourdes until April 18, Easter Monday, when a multilingual farewell Mass will be celebrated.
The relics will go to two other Florida dioceses, Palm Beach and St. Petersburg, and then zigzag across the country to 23 other dioceses, visiting 34 churches, cathedrals and shrines. The last stop is St. Bernadette Church in Los Angeles July 31-Aug. 4. …
The Vatican has granted a plenary indulgence for those visiting the relics during the tour. During the Miami stay, Masses will be offered daily at Our Lady of Lourdes along with “le geste de l’eau,” the water of Lourdes.
Mainstream sources tell us these “relics” have been used in “Christian” worship for centuries. In that, acknowledging that the use of relics are perverse, pagan and occultic splatters all of Christendom.
Christianity – Relics and saints | Britannica
The cult (system of religious beliefs and rituals) of the saints emerged in the 3rd century and gained momentum from the 4th to the 6th century. The bones of martyrs were believed to provide evidence of God’s power at work in the world, producing miracles and spectacles of the effectiveness of faith. The martyrs had imitated Christ even unto death, and the remains of their holy bodies were thought to be points of contact between earth and heaven. On the model of Christ’s Incarnation, the bones of martyred saints embodied God’s salvific power and thus became the centre of active cults. Relics were installed in basilicas or in special churches called martyria. The tombs of martyrs, on the margins of cities and towns, attracted pilgrims and processions. Legends described the prodigious virtues of martyrs and saints, as well as the dreams or visions that revealed the resting places of still more powerful relics. Each discovery (inventio) promised new and effective signs of divine redemption. Returning from distant places, especially Rome, pilgrims brought relics to their home churches. Thus, during the 8th century, bones and other relics were moved from southern Europe to the north and west.
Obviously, it is Roman Catholicism that makes these “relics” a vital part of its rituals.
Even more offensive is the concept that there are Catholic “martyrs” when it is Rome that has slaughtered more Christians than any other empire (military and religious Rome).
The Business of Relics (
Religious relics were an important part of the spiritual life of Medieval Christians. The word relic derives from the Latin word “reliquiae” meaning “remains”. There were two types of relics: the actual physical remains of a saint or an object that came in contact with the saint during his or her lifetime. The veneration of saints and their relics is as old as Christianity, and it developed alongside the new religion during those formative first centuries.
By spinning these practices as “Christian”, the crimes of Rome can also be spun regardless of how they fly in the face of reality. Whilst Popes like Innocent III sent French, Italian and Spanish soldiers to slaughter European Waldensian and Albigensian Christians in Europe, today, Catholic Crusades are “Christian” and these “Christians” mercilessly victimize Muslims and Jews.
Another tactic to legitimize deception is to state “early Church Fathers all did it!” Rarely will that follow a citation of specifically what “Father” and why they are even considered a “Father”.
Baptist scholar Dave Hunt noted that this is a tactic often used by the Vatican.
To enhance their power they [devious Catholic clergy] issued a host of false documents which purported to be the writings of early Church Fathers and decrees of early synods. One self-serving theme of these forgeries was the claim that the popes had inherited “innocence and sanctity from Peter” and could not be judged by any man.1
It is human nature to lose sight of the intransient, spiritual nature of our relationships with Christ and focus on the transient and the physical.
From there, heresies and misperceptions run rampant.
One of the first attacks upon the new Christians (shortly after Christ ascended) was that of Simon the sorcerer who sought to purchase the Power of the Gospel for manipulation and self-aggrandizement.
Acts 8:9-25
9 But there was a certain man called Simon, who previously practiced sorcery in the city and astonished the people of Samaria, claiming that he was someone great,
10 to whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, “This man is the great power of God.”
11 And they heeded him because he had astonished them with his sorceries for a long time.
12 But when they believed Philip as he preached the things concerning the kingdom of God and the Name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized.
13 Then Simon himself also believed; and when he was baptized he continued with Philip, and was amazed, seeing the miracles and signs which were done.
14 Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the Word of God, they sent Peter and John to them,
15 who, when they had come down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit.
16 For as yet He had fallen upon none of them. They had only been baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
17 Then they laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
18 And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money,
19 saying, “Give me this power also, that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit.”
20 But Peter said to him, “Your money perish with you, because you thought that the Gift of God could be purchased with money!”
21 “You have neither part nor portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the Sight of God.”
22 “Repent therefore of this your wickedness, and pray God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you.”
23 “For I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and bound by sin.”
24 Then Simon answered and said, “Pray to the Lord for me, that none of the things which you have spoken may come upon me.”
25 So when they had testified and preached the Word of the Lord, they returned to Jerusalem, preaching the Gospel in many villages of the Samaritans.
Many Christians are unaware that Simon was a Believer. He saw the Holy Spirit as “magic” to be wielded for his own fame but the Spirit empowers us only when we empty ourselves and seek to be used by Him for His Purposes.
The Catholic Church has fabricated “relics” to hold the same power.
Relics have a dangerous appeal to the human mind. Even though we are commanded to believe, have faith, and put our trust in Jesus, the flesh always want to have proof or a connection to God; to have something palpable that can be touched or felt and that have “magical powers”. The trap is that your faith mutates into a fixation on the physical that you erroneously believe connects you to God when it should be a simple but intimate relationship very similar to a marriage (which is why the Apostle John frequently uses marriage metaphors in his writing). Our Israelite forebears regularly fell into this trap and it was always encouraged by the paganism of Middle Eastern cultures from Canaan to Egypt.
As if the destruction of souls wasn’t enough for Rome, she capitalizes further on the practice by bilking foolish Catholics into spending hard-earned money on utter fraud.
Martin Luther, himself, complained that there were so many pieces of “Christ’s cross” being traded by clergy he could build a mausoleum out of them all.
Even today, a quick online search will find the hair of the “Virgin Mary” for $2,000 or pieces of clothing supposedly worn by Peter and Paul for a couple hundred more. For the one that is in need of more “blessings”, there’s an opportunity to acquire 50 relics for only $12,850 (Important Antique Reliquary 50 Relics True Cross 12 Apostles 4 Evangelists Theca | eBay).
If your schooling hasn’t yet destroyed your capacity for critical thought, and you realize that the “heart of Saint Cecelia” was actually last-year’s prize-winning freeze-dried turnip, mainstream media will gladly jump in to finally do its job and mock those ridiculous “Christian” beliefs.
The Weird and Fraudulent World of Catholic Relics (
For centuries, some Christians have venerated the bodies and possessions of saints, but more often than not, there’s no way to tell whether something is St. Peter’s skull or a really old potato.
In the Sicilian region of Italy, in the town of Palermo, on the mountain dubbed Pellegrino, nestled inside a cave, inside a church, inside a small shrine, lie the bones of Saint Rosalia.
Her story is rare in the annals of Catholic sainthood, as she wasn’t martyred in a particularly grisly way. Instead, when she was a young teenager, Rosalia devoted herself to Christ and lived as a hermit in a cave until dying, of natural causes, in 1160. There, her bones lay for centuries, until a plague struck Palermo in 1624. Residents began having visions of “the Little Saint,” and a hunter, looking for any kind of cure, went to her cave, dug up her bones, and paraded them through the streets. The plague miraculously ceased. That was good enough to get her sainthood, turn her former abode into a place of worship, and for Sicilians to get on their knees and pray to this particular set of bones.
Just one problem: The bones in Saint Rosalia’s shrine belong to a goat.
And yet, as proof that Rome secretly runs both sides of the game, the same entertainment super-powers that mock “Christian” paganism delivers it up with millions of dollars of polish for adoration.
In 2018, Marvel comics and Disney wowed us all with the $400 million movie Avengers: Infinity War (which went on to gross $2 billion at the box office alone). The ultimate super-villain “Thanos” (played by Josh Brolin from behind millions in computer graphics imaging, “CGI”). Thanos seeks to re-assemble the 6 “Infinity Stones” and wield them to murder half of all the universe so that we can finally have relief from over-population and get lots of free carbon credits. The question remains, “Where to put them all once you’ve got ‘em??”
Oddly, Marvel and Disney just happened to rely upon a Roman Catholic relic for the solution!
Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet looks eerily similar to a Catholic relic (
The Infinity Gauntlet has been shown to be the most powerful object in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, if not the comics world as well. All of Marvel’s future films are bound to be touched by its influence and the events of the last two movies. What many of the fans who pack the theaters may not know, however, is that the real-life inspiration for the fictional glove of power appears to be a Catholic one.
When it comes to utilizing the power of the Infinity Gauntlet, intention matters. Now, thanks to a revelation by Curiosmos, we’re learning that this intention may be a commentary on religion, as a striking similarity has been noticed between the Infinity Gauntlet and the reliquary containing the incorrupt hand of the 16th-century Spanish mystic St. Teresa of Avila.
According to historical records, St. Teresa of Avila’s body was exhumed nine months after her death, when it was first observed that her body did not decay. Even though the passage of time had rotted her clothing, her remains were incorrupt, just as they had been when she died.
Relics from the Spanish saint were distributed for veneration, but her hand was stolen in 1936 by Francisco Franco, the Spanish military dictator. Franco reportedly took the relic with him everywhere he went and even slept with it on his nightstand.
The relic was recovered by nuns after Franco’s death in 1975. From there, the relic traveled to several convents until it found a permanent resting place in the Iglesia de la Merced, in the city of Ronda. It is now housed in a safe, locked room, set behind gilded silver and encrusted with jewels.
While it is still unconfirmed by Marvel that this relic was the influence of the most powerful object in the MCU, from a visual comparison, it seems likely that the Infinity Gauntlet, which harnesses the power of creation, has its roots in Catholicism.
It’s actually not so odd when you find out that powerful Jesuits like Leo OʹDonovan (chosen by rabidly-pro abortion Catholic “President” Joe Biden to give his “invocation”) ran the Disney Company from 1996 to 2007.

“The Human Stain” New York City Premiere After Party. Left-to-right:
Harvey Weinstein, Jesuit Priest Leo O’Donovan, Nicole Kidman, Guiseppe Cipriani.
The revelation that there is a “Saint Corona, the patron saint of pandemics” follows with less shock and (hopefully) far more cynicism.
Saint Corona
German cathedral prepares showcase for relics of Saint Corona, patron of epidemics | TheHill
A German cathedral is digging out its collection of relics related to “St. Corona,” the little-known patron saint of surviving epidemics, amid the global coronavirus outbreak.
Reuters reported that the Aachen Cathedral in Germany had already been planning to showcase relics and a shrine of St. Corona as part of an exhibition of gold craftsmanship, but has now accelerated those plans after the coincidentally-named outbreak began.
“We have brought the shrine out a bit earlier than planned and now we expect more interest due to the virus,” said a cathedral spokeswoman.
“Like many other saints, Saint Corona may be a source of hope in these difficult times,” added the head of the cathedral’s relics trove in a statement to Reuters.

A 14th-century painting of Saint Corona by the Master of Palazzo Venezia Madonna. Wikimedia/Statens Museum For Kunst
If you’ve read Johnny’s latest book, The Disciples of Ra!, the process of being “tested” and getting told that (even though you feel perfectly healthy) you have the “coronavirus” and must seclude yourself just as Jesuit founder Ignatius Loyola did. As former Jesuit-trained Catholic President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy said in 2012, “We’re all Jesuits now!”
Perhaps if you’re still feeling ill, you could always touch a relic or sleep with one to be healed!
Talking about those minions, you may find that most of them were trained by Jesuits. One of the most important examples is one of the leading members of the White House Covid-19 Response team, “Dr.” Anthony Fauci.
13 May 2020 – Regis High School alumnus Dr. Anthony Fauci, class of ‘58, recently record a video for the high school’s graduates of 2020.
Dr. Fauci has been a familiar face during the coronavirus pandemic because of his role as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
In addition to being a Regis graduate, Dr. Fauci is also an alumnus of the College of the Holy Cross, class of ‘62.
“I became immersed in the intellectual rigor of a Jesuit education,” said Dr. Facui in the video. “Importantly, certain tenets of the Jesuit tradition have sustained me throughout my life and career.
I assume that back in 2018, if he were to be in Canada, he’d be in awe as one of his master’s arms toured the Maple Leave. Cirucci Team host and investigative journalist Hawkeye keenly mentioned that just after Xavier’s arm crossed Canada, the Humboldt Broncos bus crashed after 5 p.m. on 6 April 2018 — 7 April, Francis Xavier’s birthday, in Rome. (Humboldt Broncos bus crash – Wikipedia).
Centuries-old arm of St. Francis Xavier touring Canada | CTV News
The severed arm of St. Francis Xavier, a Catholic missionary who died more than 400 years ago, is on a tour of Canada.
The arm and hand of the saint — which is said to have blessed and baptized thousands — has begun a one-month, tour of Canada, with the first of 15 stops held Wednesday at Notre-Dame Basilica in Quebec City.
This is first time the relic, which the Church considers sacred, has been put on display on Canadian soil. …
After St. Francis Xavier died in China in 1552, his corpse did not decompose. The Catholic Church says the “incorruptibility” of Xavier’s body is a sign he was a saint.
Another of Xavier’s arm bones is kept at a church in Macau. The rest of his remains are in a tomb in Goa, India, a former Portuguese colony where Xavier spent many years doing missionary work.
The right arm was severed from the rest of the saint’s remains in 1614 and encased in a silver reliquary before being sent to Rome. The arm is normally kept on display at the Church of the Gesu in Rome, one of the first churches of the Jesuit Catholic order.
The Second Council of Nicaea in 787 decreed that every Catholic Church should contain a “relic” in their altar. As 7th Day Adventist Professor Walter Veith said in one of his lectures, dead bones are part of the foundation of every Catholic Church. Supposedly, this is the organization whose leader is the “vicar of Christ” on Earth, and yet repeatedly, its teachings contradict with everything the Bible teaches.
Jesus said we should worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24) and the Lord is not the God of the dead, but of the living (Mark 12:27). The Old Testament is filled of examples that proof that one of the attributes of God is jealousy (Exodus 34:14). That means, He’s not willing to share your worship and veneration with anything or anyone, let alone a piece of bone.
Jesus also said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
There are no shortcuts.
Great Article Johnny. Very Well Written. This Made me think alot i had no idea the infinity Gauntlet was almost identical to the St. Teresa of Avila’s silver encased hand. nor did i realize how embedded the symbology of Jesuitism is in our society. i mean don’t get me wrong ive known about the freemasons symbology but what i was unaware of is just how pervasive the symbology of the Jesuits and the Catholic church and it’s hypocrisy was in our society as well. very informative piece.
Thanks for the great feedback, Stephen! I’m excited to be collaborating with you.
Johnny, there was a small bottle of green dishsoap up for sale years ago and was sold as Leprechauns piss, people bought it, the Leprechauns have plenty more of it if anyone wants to buy it ☘️☘️☘️🇮🇪
listening to your interview on ‘falcons cafe’ and am in awe!
only the return of christ will defeat the devil!
much love and blesssings.