Well over a year ago, I was thoroughly entrenched in what I have now come to call “mainstream alternative news”—listening to all of the radio shows, podcasts and youtube videos I could find to help stay abreast of the latest threat to what’s left of my beloved America.
I was very active and had done a lot of blogging but with little to show for it.
Part of the reason was that every time I reached out to someone in “mainstream alternative ‘Christian’ news” I was either ignored or pushed off.
I think every supposed Christian operation should take special care to have the mechanisms in place to correspond with their audience but even more so when a published author writes and says “I have the answers to all your questions!”
After getting just such a response from Rick Wiles and “TruNews” I put 2 and 2 together and came up with 666.
I was, however, able to make a connection with another published author who was extremely gracious in responding and, in fact, said, “Hey, why don’t I give you a call?”
Well that was a pleasant surprise. I guess this guy was actually living his walk.
Since then he and I have put each other on our e-mail lists and I’ve had several earth-shattering awakenings but he’s stayed the same guy he was when we talked a year ago.
I’m really quite frustrated. I’ve spoken to him on the phone once or twice since then and tried to share with him what I’ve learned but it hasn’t been reflected in anything he’s done so I get the feeling that my warnings are falling on deaf ears.
Recently he was kind enough to include me in a mass e-mail with other key names in our field which turned out to be a letter to Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal regarding LA funding of Planned Parenthood.
I knew from the start it was a waste of time but did anyone else really know why?
That pushed me to write this:
I hate to see you needlessly spinning your wheels, sending e-mails with no effect so let me provide you with some answers.
I deeply appreciate you trying to give voice to the silent screams of the unborn; slaughtered in manners that are nothing short of Mengele-esque and literally satanic.
That should not be a surprise as the forces that control America actually do worship satan and feed off of the horrors they commit upon the most innocent—
Former Satanist: “I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics”, LifeNews
This is what they have always done—
“…you took your sons and daughters whom you had borne to Me and sacrificed them to idols to be devoured. Were your harlotries so small a matter? You slaughtered My children and offered them up to idols by causing them to pass through the fire. Besides all your abominations and harlotries you did not remember the days of your youth, when you were naked and bare and squirming in your blood. “Then it came about after all your wickedness (‘Woe, woe to you!’ declares the L-rd G-d), that you built yourself a shrine and made yourself a high place in every square.” ~ Ezekiel 16:20-24
Today, that “high place” is Washington DC where the Phallus of Osiris (cunningly mis-named “the Washington Monument”) faces the Womb of Isis (which we know as the Capitol Rotunda).
It is a mirror image of St. Peter’s square where an actual Egyptian obelisk was taken from Heliopolis to complete the ancient Chaldean/Luciferian worship.
Governor Jindal, a good New Orleans Roman Catholic, must obey his masters and they are not the American people nor does he honor his oath to protect and serve the United States Constitution.
Bobby Jindal bows to Rome, just as all American rulers and puppets do.
Americans are fools who think that empowering Republicans brings us off of the suicide train we’re on because both sides are completely controlled by an enemy who hates us beyond our comprehension.
In 2010, the House gavel was passed from Nancy Pelosi to John Boehner. Pelosi’s reign was marked by her rabid, far-Left, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, anti-American agenda. She was trained by the President of San Francisco University, Stephen J. Privett—a Jesuit.
She installed the first Catholic priest as House Chaplain, Daniel P. Coughlin (below on the far LEFT).
John Boehner was educated by Jesuits at Xavier University and installed the first Jesuit as House Chaplain, Patrick J. Conroy.
When Pelosi gave up her position, it was a joyous occasion for all in the know.
Barack Hussein Obama is also Jesuit-trained, taught how to be a good Communist “community organizer” by his mentor Greg Galluzzo.
Mr. Kellman ended his day at the Gamaliel Foundation with Gregory Galluzzo, its executive director who had been Mr. Obama’s organizing consultant back in the day.
They discussed public education projects though, as Mr. Galluzzo noted, it’s still all about “getting people into the political and social decisions affecting their lives and taking control,” whether it’s a bad school principal or immigration. ~ James Warren, NY Times
You’d think “MISTER” Galluzzo being a Jesuit priest (listed here by WorldNetDaily as a “former” Jesuit but there’s no such thing—only EX-Jesuits who usually end up dead) would’ve been noteworthy to a NY Times reporter but, for some reason, the word “Jesuit” never came up in the piece, nor does it in the Wikipedia entry on the so-called “Gamaliel Foundation”.
What does a famous Jewish expositor have to do with Communism and “community organizing”? NOTHING! It’s just the usual false Jewish mask that is placed on all of the Vatican’s malignant machinations.
It’s the very reason why there are three token hard-Left Jews now sitting on the Supreme Court—all the rest of the black-robed insurgent traitors are CATHOLIC.
After Chief Justice John Roberts proved that he was a high traitor who worked for Rome by claiming that the Communist takeover of America’s healthcare system by a cabal of Democrats was “Constitutional” he quipped that he needed to retreat to the “Island Fortress of Malta” where he was doubtlessly crowned a defender of the Catholic Communist Order; a Knight of Malta.
Roberts is a member of the Catholic secret society of Opus Dei, just like former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, who gave convicted Penn State pedophile Jerry Sandusky a “Congressional Angels in Adoption Award” for all of the great work he was doing via his “Second Mile Foundation”—it was that very foundation that Sandusky was using as a front group to peddle young boys to America’s Luciferian Elite.
SHOCKING PENN STATE RUMOR: Jerry Sandusky “Pimped Out Young Boys To Rich Donors”, Tony Manfred, Business Insider
Philadelphia Prosecutor Ray Gricar was on the Sandusky case in the 1990’s, but then he “disappeared”.
Penn State head coach Joe Paterno was linked to both Opus Dei and the Bush administration. It was under Bush President #41’s leadership back in the 1980’s that young boys were brought to Washington for exploitation and sex slavery. Don’t worry, there was an investigation over how credit cards were used to pay some of the pimps off.
Although a small handful of authors and investigators know what happened in Omaha, Nebraska regarding the trafficking of young boys (now called “the Franklin Coverup”) what most don’t know is that the scandal originated in the Catholic home for orphaned boys known as “Boys Town”.
Penn State was quick to do an investigation of their own. The university somehow had the clout to hire former Director of the FBI Louis J. Freeh.
It was quite fortuitous for them that Freeh was also a Knight of Columbus and a member of Opus Dei as well.
As pedophilia investigations leak out around the world, they all have one central theme—all roads lead to Rome.
You have to understand, XXXXX, that Rome controls both America’s traitors and the frauds who supposedly investigate them. They try to cover their tracks but they can’t control EVERY story that comes out;
Opus Dei cares about attracting Ivy League grads. Its Tenley Learning Center in upscale Northwest Washington has a highly regarded SAT-program.
The order is closely affiliated with two well-regarded Catholic schools in the Washington suburbs, The Heights (all-boys) and Oakcrest (all-girls). “We’re out to change the world,” says Barbara Faulk, the headmistress of Oakcrest. “But we’re not shrouded in something weird.” Louis Freeh-like Bob Hanssen-sends a son to the Heights. Many parents of the Opus Dei schools worship at St. Catherine of Siena in Great Falls, Va., an orthodox Catholic church that still offers a Latin mass. Parishioners include Freeh and Justice Scalia.
Scalia is regarded as the embodiment of the Catholic conservatives. He is careful not to be seen mixing politics and religion, but his faith clearly influences his work on the high court. While he is not a member of Opus Dei, his wife Maureen has attended Opus Dei’s “spiritual functions,” says an Opus Dei member. Scalia’s son, Father Paul Scalia, helped convert Clarence Thomas to Catholicism four years ago. Last month, Thomas gave a fiery speech at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, to an audience full of Bush Administration officials. In the speech, Thomas praised Pope John Paul II for taking unpopular stands. The conservative Catholics in the audience agreed with every word Thomas said. ~ Evan Thomas, Newsweek
Do you remember Robert Hanssen? He was the FBI agent that gave a treasure-trove of intelligence to the Soviet Union to help keep them up to par with the United States—can’t have a fake Cold War unless the two sides are really a danger to each other.
Hanssen was “nabbed” by Catholic whiz-kid Eric M. O’Neill who was selected by the Jesuits in high school then given a safe, secular college education (just like Karl Marx).
O’Neill graduated from Gonzaga College High School in Washington, D.C. in 1991 and earned a B.A., with honors, in political science and psychology from Auburn University in 1995, where he was a brother of Theta Xi fraternity.[2][3][1] ~ Wikipedia
The Jesuits invented Communism and have been wielding it ever since to punish both Russia and America and, really, the entire world.
But when what they were doing became blatantly obvious—having put Communist agents in every level of American government—it became necessary to create a clownish anti-Communist Inquisitor to give them all cover and who better to do that than Irish Catholic Joe McCarthy at the behest of his Jesuit handler Edmund Walsh (the Company man who screened Rome from her involvement in the 3rd Reich at Nuremburg).
On the day that McCarthyism was born, and unseasonably warm spell was broken in Washington, D.C. It was January 7, 1950, and record-breaking temperatures—on the 6th it had reached 72 degrees—gave way to a return of winter cold. Winds announcing the cold front blew through the city at 40 mph, causing minor damage to a couple trees and a storefront window.
That night, a meeting took place at the Colony restaurant, a four-star establishment in downtown Washington. Attending were four men: Georgetown University politics professor Charles Kraus, attorney William A. Roberts, Fr. Edmund A. Walsh, a Jesuit and the head of Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service, and Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy.
Of the four men, of course, the most notorious is Senator McCarthy. Since his downfall in 1954 McCarthy has gone from politician to alcoholic fiend, an all-purpose chimera for anyone warning against everything from illegal searches to mildly aggressive questioning. But the perhaps the more important man to history on the night of January 7 was Edmund Walsh, the Georgetown Jesuit.
Unlike McCarthy, Walsh is forgotten to history. ~ Mark Judge, The American Spectator
*hmmm* “Forgotten” or erased?
I’ll vote for the latter.
This information is out there, if you dig for it, and if you fear the Lord Jesus Christ more than you fear the entity behind all this.
…fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell. ~ Matthew 10:28
Whether or not my friends pick this up and run with it, only time will tell (but, understand, time is running out).