NAME CHANGE: Yes, Giovanni “Johnny” Cirucci is my legal name but it wasn’t always so. Here’s the story.
Giovanni Augustino “Johnny” Cirucci was born into a fourth generation immigrant Italian Roman Catholic family.
His upbringing was typical: an average student and a decent athlete who was sent through multiple Catholic schools.
Johnny’s family was “conservative” and patriotic and this led him to choose the military for a career.
He began with a Navy prep school and Marine Corps-option ROTC in college but decided to leave school without graduating in favor of enlisting in the Marine Corps.
Johnny did not complete boot camp and received a “failure to train” discharge. He returned home to divorced parents. It was a very low point in his life.
Johnny worked as a utility installer for a couple of years and this experience encouraged him to return to school and finish his degree.
He spent many months attempting to get a waiver for his separation and return to the Marine Corps but to no avail.
While at his second iteration of college, Johnny had a conversion experience and became a Born Again Christian.
It was shortly after this that Johnny achieved a waiver to return to the Marine Corps and did this at 27 years of age. He graduated from Paris Island with honors such as the Board of Governors Marine Corps Association Marksmanship Award.
Johnny asked his Chain of Command to send him through officer training (as he had also finally achieved his Bachelor’s Degree) and was denied due his age.
Johnny got out after four years and shortly after that 9/11 took place.
Being on “Inactive Ready Reserve” Johnny volunteered to come back but was told the IRR wasn’t being activated.
He then enlisted in the Army and was sent through Army officer training at Fort Benning.
Although Johnny excelled in leadership1 he found himself unfulfilled in his service.
A tour in Iraq confirmed it.
It was apparent that, the higher a soldier or Marine got in career progression, the more compromised they became.
Johnny was disgusted with what he experienced in Iraq. The United States military presence was one of chaos and destruction; nothing was beneficial.
When Johnny got back he continued to distinguish himself as a leader, now working as a liaison at Division Headquarters, but the writing was on the wall. He was doing a Major’s job but being kept as a Captain.
Johnny continuously gravitated towards “conservative” media throughout his life but became disenfranchised with it when well-known personalities pulled their punches on Barack Obama’s mysterious rise to power, the corrupting influence of money in all fields and the fraud behind the “Global War on Terror”.
In 2011, his boss secretly confirmed for him what he already suspected: the “covert raid” that “killed Osama bin Laden” was propaganda disinformation made possible by the United States military in general and Special Operations in specific.
Johnny knew it was time to get out.
Jobs seemed to be plentiful but Johnny just couldn’t find his niche.
Only one subject motivated him—obsessively so: getting to the truth.
He had been writing and blogging since college and some of his articles were picked up by alternative websites.
Johnny began investigating “the Illuminati” and was surprised to find links pointing back towards the Vatican. An article he wrote on the subject was picked up by Before It’s News and did well enough to motivate Johnny to finally write his first book: Illuminati Unmasked. He’s been writing books, researching and investigating ever since.
Johnny has been interviewed over 250 times.Below is a summary, scroll to the bottom for the actual interview…if it’s still allowed up!
Unless an embedded link sends you to someone else’s original (that is, miraculously, still up), you’ll probably be seeing a link of mine that is not the original. Please don’t get caught up in posted analytics; they are not representative of the quality nor longevity of work.
- Derek Gilbert [multiple appearances]
- Canary Cry Radio with Basil & Gonz
- Freeman Fly [multiple appearances]
- Michael Lake
- The Fakeologist [multiple appearances]
- God’s Property Radio with Sam and Dan
- Pastor Mike Spaulding [multiple appearances]
- Omega Frequency with BDK [multiple appearances]
- Rob Skiba [multiple appearances]
- Tribulation Now with John Baptist
- The Power Hour with Joyce Riley
- Sheila Zilinsky, the Weekend Vigilante
- Higherside Chats with Greg Carlwood [multiple appearances]
- Christian Money with Jim Paris
- MIGMAG [multiple appearances]
- The Ed Opperman Report with Guest Host William Ramsey
- The Morning Show with Patrick Timpone
- Enter the BuzzSaw with Sean Stone
- William Ramsey Investigates [multiple appearances]
- Able Danger with Field McConnell [multiple appearances]
- Conspiracy Queries with Alan Park
- A Conversation with Paul Sandhu
- V the Gorilla Economist
- Daniel Ott
- Flat Earth UK with Nathan Oakley
- The Prophecy Brothers, Steve & Joe Bencsics [multiple appearances]
- Zen Garcia [multiple appearances]
- The Scott Helmer Show [multiple appearances]
- Through the Black with Jared and Tom
- ThatChannel (Canada)
- Deception Detection Radio with Kay Carswell and Chad Riley [multiple appearances]
- Flat Earth United with Nathan Oakley
- The Jim Duke Perspective [multiple appearances]
- EyesWideOpen with Leonard Olivares
- Andy Jennings
- The Richie Allen Show
- First Amendment Radio
- Nightflight with Judith Kwoba [multiple appearances]
- Gematria Effect News with Zach Hubbard
- The Oddcast Ft. The Odd Man Out [multiple appearances]
- Everything Imaginable with Gary Cocciolillo
- Conspiracy or Just a Coincidence? with Jack Allen
- Billy Watson [multiple appearances]
- Adam Crazz on The Crazz Files [multiple appearances]
- Tim Brown on the Sons of Liberty [multiple appearances]
- Wu-Tang Clan rapper Killah Priest
Johnny has also interviewed a fascinating list of people:2
- Derek Gilbert
- Tommy Poland
- Thomas Monson
- Rob Skiba
- Eric Jon Phelps [multiple appearances]
- “Veritas__Aequitas”
- John Daniel
- Vince White
- Walt Stickle
- “Math Powerland”
- Andy Jennings [multiple appearances]
- CT Wilcox
- Stephanie Sledge
- Bill Hughes [multiple appearances]
- Steve Wohlberg [multiple appearances]
- ZOD (44)
- Zach Hubbard [multiple appearances]
- Jim Fetzer [immediately taken down by YouTube]
- Ole Dammegård
- Lennard Horowitz
- Solomon Rodriguez
- John Hamer [multiple appearances]
- Andrew Kaufman
- Dawn Lester and David Parker [multiple appearances]
- Michael Voris
- Billy Watson [multiple appearances]
- Flat Earth Dave Weiss
- Amandha Vollmer
- David Icke
- Artur Pawlowski
- Chris Sky
His Resistance Rising podcast neared 200 episodes and can also be found (in video format), on Odysee.
Johnny’s not a big fan of “debating” but it does have its merits. Whom Johnny has debated:
View From The Bunker with Derek Gilbert (Part 1)
View From The Bunker with Derek Gilbert (Part 2)
Jesuit New World Order – Johnny Cirucci with Freeman Fly
106,888 views• 28 Apr 2015
Dr. Michael Lake on the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
Nothing But The Truth with Mike Adams; 30 May 2015
Restoring America with Alan Bailey; 06 June 2015
Nothing But The Truth with Mike Adams; 13 June 2015
God’s Property Radio, Coin Toss Episode 21
Nothing But The Truth with Mike Adams; 04 July 2015
Soaring Eagle Radio with Pastor Mike Spaulding
Omega Frequency Episode 35 — The Jesuit Game of Thrones
Nothing But The Truth with Mike Adams; 9 August 2015 — Jesuits, Flat Earth & Bigfoot
Rob Skiba on Truth Frequency Radio; 19 August 2014
Restoring America with Alan Bailey; 30 August 2015
“Can’t we all just get along?!” Johnny and Alan talk about how the anti-Papists are so fractionalized.
Nothing But The Truth with Mike Adams; 06 September 2015
“Can’t we all just get along?!” Part 2! Johnny was going to talk some of his presentation in Lima, OH but the Holy Spirit (and Mike) had other ideas. We name names and then un-name them in the hopes of increasing our numbers.
Nothing But The Truth with Mike Adams; 10 September 2015
“Heirs According to the Promise”
Tribulation Now with John Baptist
The Power Hour with Joyce Riley, hour 2
The Power Hour with Joyce Riley, carried into hour 3
Johnny with the Weekend Vigilante: Sheila Zilinsky
Nothing But the Truth with Mike Adams; 20 December 2015—Who Wove the Globe Earth Matrix?
Tribulation Now with John Baptist; 4 January 2016—Christians With Guns Ambush!
Nothing But the Truth with Mike Adams; 24 January 2016—Christians With Guns Ambush Part II!
Higherside Chats with Greg Carlwood (complete 3 hours for subscribers)
The Ed Opperman Report with Guest Host William Ramsey
The Morning Show with Patrick Timpone
Illuminati, Jesuits, Obama & Government Connections with Johnny Cirucci: Enter the BuzzSaw with Sean Stone
15 Jul 2016
Soaring Eagle Radio, Episode 56 – Johnny Cirucci – Evil Has Overtaken The Land
William Ramsey Investigates with Johnny Cirucci, Author of Illuminati Unmasked
A Two Hour “Hangout” with MigMag
Able Danger with Field McConnell
Conspiracy Queries with Alan Park
Omega Frequency with BDK: Episode 78 — The Reformation Road Part One With Johnny Cirucci
Truth Frequency Radio with Rob Skiba: Episode #87
Omega Frequency with BDK: Episode 79 — The Reformation Road Part Two With Johnny Cirucci
A Conversation with Paul Sandhu
Johnny interviewed by V the Gorilla Economist
Flat Earth UK: The Jesuit Heliocentric Deception With Johnny Cirucci
Flat Earth Interview: Author Johnny Cirucci on the Occult history of the Globe
The Prophecy Brothers!
Secretes Revealed with Zen Garcia
We Got One That Can See: Johnny Cirucci on the History of the Jesuits, The Prophecy Brothers!
Zen Garcia on Truth Frequency Radio, “Shadowlords: Ruling Behind the Scenes”
The Styxxoplix Show—Episode 62: Revelations & the Collapse of Civilization with Johnny Cirucci
SER 88 – Johnny Cirucci – Secret History
Manchester Arena Attack – Johnny Cirucci • The Scott Helmer Show – 05.23.17
Devil’s Been Talking Radio Episode 25 with Johnny Cirucci: Jesuits, Jesuits, Jesuits
1 on 1 Truth Chats with Thomas Shroyer
William Ramsey Investigates, Johnny Cirucci: Eaters of Children, The Pedocracy Exposed
Through the Black with Jared and Tom
Johnny Cirucci – Eaters Of Children The Pedocracy Exposed
Zen Garcia
Johnny Cirucci: Eaters of Children: The Pedocracy Exposed:
The Styxxoplix Show
Episode 87: Eaters of Children with Giovanni Cirucci
* Johnny returns to the Prophecy Brothers to talk Eaters of Children
* Johnny re-connects with Mike Adams to begin series of talks on the Eaters of Children!
Johnny and Mike Adams talk Eaters of Children, Part II!
Flat Earth: Talk with Crrow777 & Johnny Cirucci: Control System and Solutions
4,438 views Streamed live on 14 Jan 2018
Johnny Goes to Canada via a Televised Interview with ThatChannel: 22 Jan 2018
Historically, kings and queens, nations and principalities rose and fell by the power of the Vatican. Is that still true today? Does the Vatican control the destiny of nations but in secret via agents she has planted in key positions?
Who are the Jesuits and what power do they wield?
Is the leadership of the Catholic faith faithful to Catholics or is there a hidden and malignant agenda at play?
How does priest pedophilia fit in?
Can anyone be trusted: politicians, judges, generals, even local police officers?
If this conspiracy of secret control is true, how can we beat it?
All of these issues and more are addressed in our interview of author, speaker, host and veteran soldier Johnny Cirucci.
Deception Detection Radio with Kay Carswell and Chad Riley (Part 1)
The Why Of The Globe Lie — Flat Earth United With Johnny Cirucci
Deception Detection Radio with Kay Carswell and Chad Riley (Part 2)
Power of the Jesuits with guest Johnny Cirucci, The Jim Duke Perspective
Eaters of Children Pt3 Milk Carton Kids with Johnny Cirucci
All Conspiracies Lead to Rome : Pedocracy, Flat Earth, Buzz Aldrin, NASA, Hollywood, Vatican with MIGMAG
Liar Liar with Johnny Cirucci, Deception Detection Radio with Kay Carswell and Chad Riley
EyesWideOpen with Leonard Olivares, Part 1
Johnny Outs the Most Insidious Jesuit Operative of All
Andy Jennings’ The Not So Dissident Future (TNSDF): “ILLUMINATI UNMASKED” chat with JOHNNY CIRUCCI
Andy Jennings’ The Not So Dissident Future (TNSDF): chat with JOHNNY CIRUCCI, Part II
FREE ZONE ARCHIVES: Society of Jesus – Johnny Cirucci with Freeman Fly 4 NOV 2019
“Crypto-Jews” or Jesuits? Johnny Answers on the Jim Duke Perspective
Author Johnny Cirucci discusses Eaters of Children and Jeffrey Epstein on William Ramsey Investigates [YouTube]
Author Johnny Cirucci discusses his new book Romans of Mass Destruction! William Ramsey Investigates
The Richie Allen Radio Show Tuesday January 28th 2020
Rome the Hand Behind the Affairs with Johnny Cirucci, Jim Duke Perspective
Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 176 (Conversation #16 with Author Johnny Cirucci)
Johnny Cirucci on Prophecy Reality Live Stream: First Amendment Radio [Mar 4, 2020]
Johnny Cirucci – The Jesuits – Veritas Odit Moras: Nightflight with Judith Kwoba
Johnny Cirucci: The Epstein-Barr “Virus”—Nightflight with Judith Kwoba
Johnny Cirucci: Analyzing The Catholic Appeal Against World Government—Nightflight with Judith Kwoba
Johnny Cirucci talks Jesuits with Zach Hubbard of Gematria Effect News
Ep. 43 It’s The Jesuits! w/ Johnny Cirucci Pt.1 on The Oddcast Ft. The Odd Man Out
It’s The Jesuits! Pt. 2 w/ Johnny Cirucci on The Oddcast Ft. The Odd Man Out
Who Really Pulls The Strings? Johnny Cirucci on Conspiracy or Just a Coincidence? with Jack Allen