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One-Evil: Heinrich Himmler

By Thu, 22 June 2017April 22nd, 2018No Comments


Key Facts
Other names Fr. Heinrich Luitpold Himmler S.J.
Born 1900
Location Munich, Germany
Married No.  Jesuit Priest
Children No.
Position Great Inquisitor , Reichsführer-SS
Died 11 October 1958 (aged 58) , Cuba


Born the middle child of three in Munich, Germany to devout Catholics Joseph Gebhard Himmler and Anna Maria Himmler (née Heyder).  His father Joseph, was a teacher and principal of the prestigious Wittelsbacher Gymnasium.

Himmler was named after his godfather, Prince Heinrich of Bavaria of the Royal House of Wittelsbach.  A gifted student, but socially introspective and poor at sport— a fact that would have deeply upset his father—Instead, young Himmler’s hobbies were chess, stamp collecting, gardening and playing the harpsichord.

Obsessed in the nature of war and politics, Himmler convinced his father to get him into the officer training school in spite of his failure at physical standards for such a role.  He graduated within a short period before the end of World War I in 1918 and never saw action.

In 1919, at the age of 19, Himmler decided to become a Jesuit priest enrolling at the Munich Technische Hochschule during the troubles of the brief Bavarian Soviet State and subsequent street battles.  It is during this time that Himmler through his influential Catholic family would have come in close contact with Archbishop Pacelli (Pope Pius XII), the Papal Nuncio in Munich.

In 1923, it is alleged that Himmler took part in the failed Beer Hall Putsch but managed to escape arrest.  Given his lack of physical strength, it is highly doubtful Himmler was ever one of the Sturmabteilung “Brownshirts” in 1923, but almost certainly an enthusiastic onlooker.

The Sturmabteilung along with the NSDAP were banned as outlaw organizations upon the arrest of Hitler, Hess and the others.  While the ban on the NSDAP continued until 1927, incredibly Hitler was released on December 20, 1924 after senior Catholic intervention — having served less than 12 months of the serious (often capital crime) of treason.  Of all the great revolutionary leaders of the early-mid 20th century, only Fr. Joseph Stalin S.J. is recorded as being so lucky as Hitler with having escaped possible execution and extraordinarily light punishment.

Upon his release, Hitler focused his attention to publicity and the launch of “his” new book Mein Kampf “My Life”.  Contrary to deliberate revisionist history, neither the NSDAP, nor the Schutzstaffel (a single German word for “Squadron”) existed until May 1927 —after the ban on the party had been officially lifted.  Instead, Hitler was surrounded by a powerful and small group of indivduals each providing key skills such as Rudolf Hess-personal private secretary, Ernst Hanfstaengl-media, Hans Frank-Lawyer and Julius Schreck-personal security.

After graduating as a full Jesuit Priest no later than 1925, there is no precise evidence as to exactly the activities of Himmler until his arrival on the scene in 1929 as deputy of Erhard Heiden.

The Arrival of Fr. Himmler S.J. and the Nazis

One of (several) absurd mythologies accepted by eminent historians and academics is the proposition that the Schutzstaffel (German for “Squadron” and the same concept as the Italian “Blackshirt Squadrons” of Catholic Mussolini) was formed in 1925 as the personal bodyguard of Hitler following his release from prison.

Some audacious writers have even “revised history” to claim the Schutzstaffel (frequently cut in half to try and get two S’s our of the single word for squadron) had already started to use the SS and skull and bones symbols, including calling their head the Reichführer-SS and the Roman Salute (straight arm) to their allegiance to the Vatican, Rome.

The ridiculous nature of these lies are easily exposed when the facts are considered that Hitler’s main claim to fame in 1925 was as a book writer and budding political philosopher.

In fact, the first election of the reformed NDSAP in May 1928 was a complete humiliation and disaster.  It was during this period of recrimination and failure that Fr. Heinrich Himmler S.J. entered to be immediately appointed the deputy of Erhard Heiden, commanded of the Schutzstaffel (squadron).  Within a matter of a few months, Erhard Heiden resigned and Fr. Himmler S.J. was appointed as commander of the Schutzstaffel.

It is a remarkable and rarely considered event occurred—in 1929, a 29 year old rank outsider with dubious military experience, but impeccable Catholic and Jesuit connections is suddenly appointed Reichführer-SS—the 280 most elite security personnel and bodyguards of Hitler himself.

There can be absolutely no question that Himmler was a direct Vatican appointment via the support of Jesuits as there is no way Hitler would have accepted such an appointment of such a person into a critical role unless it came from the very highest authority.

Again, it is important of emphasize that the Schutzstaffel (only one S) wore brown shirts until the Reich Concordat was signed between Cardinal Pacelli and Franz von Papen (for Germany) in 1933 bestowing exclusive spiritual powers on the Schutzstaffel of Fr. Himmler S.J. by the Vatican.  The Jesuit Skull and Bones was incorporated by Fr. Himmler into the military insignia of the Schutzstaffel but not the infamous SS until after the 1933 Concordat.

The political fortunes of the NDSAP appeared to suddenly turn around thanks to the swelling ranks of disciplined recruits to the Schutzstaffel.  In September 1930, the NSDAP won 18.3% of the vote and 107 seats in the Reichstag (Parliament).  By the July 1932 national elections, this vote had swelled to 37.8% and 230 of the 608 seats of Parliament.  However, in the November 1932 elections, their lead had dropped to 33.1% and 196 seats in a 584 seat Parliament.

By 1933 National Elections, the Schutzstaffel under the control of Fr. Himmler S.J. numbered at least 52,000 highly trained and absolutely loyal members – a far cry from the early incompetence in Munich ten years earlier.

It was March 1933 that the world saw the word “Nazi” unleashed as a political religious force in the elections following the destruction of the Reichstag (Parliament) by Schutzstaffel agents and blamed on communists.

Red Herrings Abound

To distract as much as possible from the Jesuit connections, soft history was created in the form of allegations he married or was in a defacto relationship with an already pregnant Protestant woman seven years his senior called Margarete.  A convenient window dressing rarely challenged in spite of the fact Himmler was famously known for being a devout Catholic from a devout and powerful Catholic family.

In another brilliant misdirection, some rare claims exist stating that Himmler had an “uncle” who was a Jesuit priest and that any reference to Fr. Himmler S.J. is the uncle, not Heinrich.

The Birth of the Nazi SS

There is a parallel and quite extraordinary change within the power structure of the NSDAP as the Nazis- the rise of Fr. Himmler to Reichführer (also Reichführer Nazi SS) – or Superior General of the Knights of the Holy See—SS standing for Sedes Sacrorum or “Holy See” in Latin.

Many historians deliberately mask the first beginnings of the use of the title Reichführer by dropping off the word “Nazi”, or removing “SS” to somehow claim this position was the official title of the commander of the Schutzstaffel as early as 1925.  The reason for this forgery is twofold—one to mask the true date of 1933 as the historic shift in the introduction of the initials SS and secondly to mask the true arrival of Himmler in 1929 and the title Reichführer-Nazi SS in 1933.

But what is more incredible is the fabricated history that continues to hid the absolute fact that in 1933 after the Reich Concordat was signed with the Vatican, Fr. Himmler was elevated in power, name and status above Hitler.  Fr. Himmler S.J. as the Reichführer has superior title (as opposed to plain old führer for Hitler).  Fr. Himmler had complete independent control over all police, paramilitary, intelligence, scientific research and weapons development and the dreaded elite units of over 50,000 just in 1933—and Hitler had absolutely no authority over him.  In fact the proof of the distaste each man had for one another is demonstrated in countless war archive movies showing in clear detail the body language of both men.

Prior to its use by Himmler, the symbols SS were most frequently and officially used as the abbreviation of Sedes Sacrorum or the legal name of the Vatican being the “Holy See” (Latin Sedes = seat/see and Sacrorum = Holy/Sacred) since the 16th Century as a sign of imprimatur over official Vatican documents.

It is either an extraordinary coincidence that Himmler and his elite began wearing the SS symbol as Reichführer immediately after the signing of the Reich Concordat in 1933 with the SS- the Sedes Sacrorum, the Holy See.  Given the four hundred year precedent of SS being associated with the Holy See, it is not unreasonable to conclude that the wearing of the symbols is associated with some as yet unpublished spiritual/temporal powers bestowed on the SS Troops by the SS—Holy See.

When one considers that Nazi SS translates most perfectly into the meaning “Knights of the Holy See”, that the role of Himmler best translates into the new Grand Inquisitor and that over 18 million innocent people were burned alive in human sacrifice camps in Poland and Russia, then the SS were without doubt the new “Holy Army” of a great inquisition against “heretics” orchestrated by the Vatican, Rome.

The fact that Hitler could do nothing against Himmler at the end of the war when it is universally recognized that Himmler was seeking to broker some kind of personal peace deal is more than enough evidence to conclude Hitler was part-puppet to larger forces.

Finally, the fact that neither Hitler nor any of his henchmen ever attempted to assassinate Himmler, in spite of his open usurping of Hitler’s authority on many occasions, is indication the title of Reichführer-Nazi SS and the meaning of the SS is extremely significant.

In 1934, Himmler successfully convinced Hermann Göring, and General Werner von Blomberg that Ernst Röhm and others were plotting against the Nazi Party.  Röhm and several others were murdered in what became known as the Night of the Long Knives on 30 June 1934.  The next day, the SS became its own independent organization.

In the same year (1934), Himmler was named head of the Gestapo, the German secret police.  In 1936, Himmler was appointed Chief of the German Police.

The next phase of the Holy (Roman Cult) Inquisition of Pope Pius XII

On February 10, 1939, Archbishop Pacelli was elected as Pope Pius XII.  Himmler headed the delegation of Nazis who travelled to the Vatican to congratulate their patron.  It was in Rome in February 1939, that Himmler first received his instructions concerning the Grand-Counter-Reformation Strategy- the single largest crusade by the Catholic Church to end the hold of Protestant states once and for all, coupled with a plan to remake the Middle East.

But the most extraordinary nature of this event with Pope Pius XII and Fr. Himmler S.J. has never been properly realised—for in 1939, Pope Pius XII called into action Himmler as Grand Inquisitor of the Holy Inquisition — to eliminate heretics and usher in a new era of Catholic power throughout Europe.

At the meeting, Pope Pius XII with Jesuit General Ledóchowski outlined his strategy to the key Nazis.  Enemy no 1, were Protestants intellectuals.  The wedge strategy were the Jews.

Jesuit Himmler knew that since the days of Martin Luther who made a fortune selling anti-Jewish pamphlets, the Protestants of Europe had shown a fierce anti-semetism towards the Jews.  Now this anti-semitism would be used for their downfall.

Within weeks of securing Poland, Himmler rallied substantial resources to commence building the human sacrifice camps as instructed by Pope Pius XII and the Catholic Church in Rome.  The centrepiece were the ovens, in which millions were to be sacrificed to Moloch, the ancient demon god of the Sadducee High Priests.

The gas chambers were designed to render victims unconscious, allowing their securing on metal trays for the furnaces easier.  Contrary to falsified documents and testimony, the camps began operation by 1940, not ending until 1945.

Himmler personally toured the camps and the selection of staff, in which Jesuit priests, including Franciscans were embedded within the SS and were placed in rotation to pray satanic prayers in front of the ovens so that at all times, the burning and dying were being properly cursed.

Musicians were even employed from the prisoners to drown out the screams of the people being burnt alive in the ovens.

In 1944, Himmler became Commander in Chief of the newly formed Army Group Upper Rhine to fight against the U.S. 7th Army and French 1st Army.  However, he failed to show leadership in the field capabilities and by March 13th 1945 abandoned his command claiming illness.

Himmler Switching Sides and “Relocation”

In late March 1945 Himmler then started negotiations with Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden at Lübeck to contact the Americans and British on how a peace settlement could be secured.  However, his negotiations failed.

Considering the extreme punishment given to failing generals in the last years of the Third Reich, the actions of Himmler testify to him being virtually untouchable, even by Hitler himself.

Undeterred, Himmler then allegedly contacted the headquarters of General Dwight D. Eisenhower the details of which remain shrouded in mystery and contradictions.

Yet more controversy in a life of controversy concerns the events surrounding the capture and alleged suicide of Himmler.  On May 22 1945, Himmler was “found” by a British unit.  But it is alleged he managed to commit suicide the following day by swallowing poison before being interrogated.

After being alerted that Himmler had been found, Allied Command ordered an official autopsy be conducted, including photographic and forensic evidence—an extremely rare event during wartime.

But for all the care allegedly carried out on orders of the Allied command concerning the “dead” Himmler, the next fact defies all logic and reason—his body was then supposed to have been quickly buried in an unmarked grave with deliberate attempts to hide the precise location.  To this day, the exact site is not known.  While historians claim this is not a big issue, it remains one of the greatest contradictions and absurdities of history.

Given the extraordinary and contradictory allegation that the body of Himmler had been disposed and hidden so quickly, the alleged autopsy records and a few choice photographs were all that remained as verification of his suicide—except the fact that the autopsy apparently failed to record a number of key and unique distinguishing features of Himmler—the most obvious of which was a scar on his face since childhood.

When put together with the events of Himmler openly seeking safe passage prior to his capture and the extraordinary events around his alleged death, it is almost certain Himmler was secretly relocated.

Again, contrary to revisionist historians who perversely on the one hand try to play up the power of Himmler and on the other down-play his intelligence value to the Allies— particularly being in charge of every single Nazi scientific and military project.  Himmler would almost certainly have been The Great Prize for the United States in terms of knowing the key scientists of weapons research, rockets and advanced aircraft.

The only problem would have been to have Fr. Himmler in a location close enough to mainland United States, but under a regime that would ensure his identity would not be exposed—Cuba.

Contrary to the deliberate falsity that Argentina was the largest population of Nazi war criminals outside U.S. military bases after World War II, Cuba remained a key haven for prestige former Nazi officials such as Fr. Himmler, in spite of the political turmoil.  In reality, the Jesuits continued to rule the island nation with an iron fist and the return of Fulgencio Batista in 1952 only strengthened their hand.

Upon the death of his life long mentor and friend Pope Pius XII on October 9, 1958, Fr. Himmler S.J. probably died soon after.  Soon after the death of Fr. Himmler, the forces of Jesuit trained Castro launched their offensive to “takeover” Cuba and get rid of those in power with knowledge.  By January 1, 1959, the most senior military and intelligence officials of the former regimes were arrested and executed.

Reposted from the site One-Evil.

Original link no-longer available.