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Almost three years ago, I wrote a story about the outrage of Bill Clinton committing the United States military to needless war in Bosnia.

In December of 1998, Congress began impeachment proceedings against William Jefferson Blythe Clinton.

Orthodox Church in Kosovo-Metohija, Serbia destroyed by Albanian KLA muslim terrorists

In January of 1999, William Jefferson Blythe Clinton committed the American military to a 500 year old religious conflict between Bosnian muslims and Serbian Christians in the former Yugoslavia…aiding the Islamists against their Orthodox foes.

The action was sold to the American people as necessary due to inhuman atrocities created by Serbian “ethnic cleansing”, but a decade later it emerged that Albanian muslims self-inflicted “cleansing” on innocent locals:

Eve-Ann Prentice, a British journalist who covered the Kosovo war for the Guardian and the London Times, testified during Slobodan Milosevic’s trial in the Hague. He said that rather than being driven out by the Serbs, “The KLA [Kosovo Liberation Army] told ethnic Albanian civilians that it was their patriotic duty to leave because the world was watching. This was their one big opportunity to make Kosovo part of Albania eventually, that NATO was there, ready to come in, and that anybody who failed to join the exodus was not supporting the Albanian cause.” ~ Rewarding Terrorism, Deception in Kosovo, Andy Wilcoxson, World Net Daily

Even the “atrocities” were hotly contested at the time as nothing more than contrived provocations for war:

…in Belgrade, Gen. Wesley K. Clark, the NATO commander, and Gen. Klaus Naumann, chairman of the NATO military council, were sitting with President Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia. They came brandishing a plastic portfolio of color photographs documenting a massacre of Albanians three days earlier by Serbian security forces in the Kosovo town of Racak.

They also came with threats of NATO air strikes.

This was far from their first encounter with the Serbian leader, but this time, they recalled, they found a newly hardened man with a bunker mentality.

“This was not a massacre,” Milosevic shouted. “This was staged. These people are terrorists.”

When General Clark warned him that NATO would “start telling me to move aircraft,” Milosevic appeared infuriated by the prospect of bombings. He called the general a war criminal. How a President, Distracted by Scandal, Entered Balkan War, Elaine Sciolino and Ethan Bronner, New York Times

serb protests war criminal clintonThis is the same Wesley Clark that later spilled the beans on similar plans for the Middle East—plans that ran as far back as 1991 to destabilize governments and overturn them with the help of radical Islam…

Note that Syria and Iran are on the doorstep of this policy.

The Bosnian War didn’t do much for Christian Serbs but it was a tremendous boon to the Religion of Peace—by the way, National Guardsmen that should be home digging citizens out of weather emergencies are still deploying on this mission today!

Mike Scruggs noted for the Tribune Papers (archived here) that this was a war that created a terrorist haven in the heart of Europe:

For 78 days in 1999, we bombed Christian Serbia and their forces in Kosovo, ostensibly as a humanitarian move to prevent Serbian ethnic cleansing of Kosovo’s Albanian population. Our real motive was to cripple the troublesome anti-multiculturalist Serbs and to enhance our standing with the oil-rich Muslim world. We bombed bridges, selected buildings, railroads, even passenger trains, and other targets in the Serbian capital of Belgrade. Unfortunately, the Chinese Embassy was also hit. According to John Pilger, writing in the Guardian, many of the bombs dropped from a relatively safe altitude (for us) of 15,000 feet, also hit schools, hospitals, and homes. Total Serbian dead amounted to about two thousand. Pope John Paul II described the bombing as an “act of diabolical retribution.” Many conservative and liberal American leaders agreed, but the Serbs eventually had to yield to our more advanced technology and vastly superior force. …

The results of our alliance with the KLA and establishing an Albanian base of Muslim power in Kosovo have been horrific. The Albanians have driven 277 thousand Serbs from Kosovo. Hundreds have been murdered. Thousands have been robbed and brutalized as their homes and property were destroyed. Muslim multiculturalists have destroyed 135 Orthodox churches, monasteries, and shrines. All this was done under the noses of UN security forces.

Bill Clinton’s great military achievement was a humanitarian disaster, and it established a dangerous Muslim foothold in Europe that is exporting terror and crime.

Unfortunately for Milosevic and the Christians of Serbia, their most important ally, Russia (lead at the time by Boris Yeltsin) was weak and unable to do much more than pick up the pieces for the embattled nation.

At that time, I was completely sold on Russia and Vladimir Putin standing as “good Christians” against the “New World Order”.  I foolishly yet prophetically called Putin “Constantine rising”.  At the time, I didn’t understand who really ran the “New World Order” nor that the same power—Rome—equally controlled Russia.

As the blinders came off, I would write in April of this year—

I was recently sent an interesting video professing to show the Rector of Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University, Victor Alekseyevich Efimov, giving a class purportedly to members of Russia’s Federal Security Service (Федеральная Служба Безопасности “FSB”).  I thought that, although I had to trust the poor English subtitles and couldn’t verify where Efimov was, it was well worth trying to get through.

I’m glad I did.

Within 20 minutes it was clear to me that the Jesuits and Rome have far more control in Russia than what I had thought beginning with their favorite domain; Intelligence.

One need look no further than the flag of the FSB to know that the Dragon of Rome and her soldiers are secure there.  On a field of a Maltese Cross (the symbol of the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, a.k.a. the Hospitallers, a.k.a. the Knights of Malta) sits the Imperial Russian crest which has the two-headed eagle of Freemasonry.


More specifically, the two-headed eagle is a Templar insignia which was adopted by the Freemasons.

It shows the two faces of the Imperial Roman Eagle and bespeaks of how Rome and her secret societies have conquered mankind by stealth and deception; putting a kindly, gentle face of lies towards us but a ravenous parasitic face of satanic feudal domination towards those “in the know”.

Having seen a post-Soviet Russia reborn in Christian culture, I had hoped that it signaled the one nation left that stood against the Great Whore of Babylon but such is not the case.

Russia’s Christian virtues and everything else of significance—from her industry to her military, from her banks to her intelligence agencies—are dominated by the second leg of iron in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream; Orthodoxy.

This was proven quite succinctly just in the past few weeks as a completely needless “anti-terrorism” law was concocted by the Duma and dutifully signed by the KGB Colonel, himself.  It strikes—not at the phantasm of “radical Islam” created by Intelligence Agencies—but directly at who Rome hates the most: Protestant Evangelicals.

I wrote in July—

In 2012, the Christian Post reported that the Orthodox Church had guaranteed President Putin would step up to protect Christians around the world.

The representative of the Russian Orthodox Church has told Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin this week of the urgent situation Christians are facing around the world in persecution hot spots, and has asked him to use his power to aid their situations.

RT online reported that Metropolitan Hilarion, foreign relation chief of the Russian Orthodox Church presented evidence and statistics that stated, “Every five minutes one Christian was dying for his or her faith in some part of the word.”

Christians face persecution in many nations; from church demolition in Afghanistan and bombings of churches in Iraq, to the violence against Christians taking place in rebellious towns in Syria.

After delivering the facts, Metropolitan Hilarion asked Putin to make protection and defense of Christianity around the globe a major part of his foreign policy.

And, as reported by Interfax, Putin replied, “You needn’t have any doubt that that’s the way it will be,” assuring Hilarion that Russian foreign policy would defend Christians from persecution abroad.

But the bloodletting of Christians continues unabated.

In fact, as a result of the so-called “War on Terror”, Protestant Evangelical Christians are being persecuted in Russia, as well.

This week, Russian president Vladimir Putin approved a package of anti-terrorism laws that usher in tighter restrictions on missionary activity and evangelism.

Despite prayers and protests from religious leaders and human rights advocates, the Kremlin announced Putin’s approval yesterday.  The amendments, including laws against sharing faith in homes, online, or anywhere but recognized church buildings, go into effect July 20.

Though opponents to the new measures hope to eventually appeal in court or elect legislators to amend them, they have begun to prepare their communities for life under the new rules, reported Forum 18 News Service, a Christian outlet reporting on the region.

Protestants and religious minorities small enough to gather in homes fear they will be most affected.  Last month, “the local police officer came to a home where a group of Pentecostals meet each Sunday,” Konstantin Bendas, deputy bishop of the Pentecostal Union, told Forum 18.  “With a contented expression he told them: ‘Now they’re adopting the law I’ll drive you all out of here.’ I reckon we should now fear such zealous enforcement.” ~ Christianity Today

As I’ve already reported to you, at length, organized religion is the most deadly weapon used against a healthy Christian Faith.  Slowly, Evangelical Protestants are awakening to this danger and returning to their roots by joining in their homes as the first Christians once did.

In Russia, this is now illegal.

The bloom is most certainly off the Russian rose—for me and it should be for you.

Since then, I have come across some fascinating information that shows who the real target was of the Jesuits running the Clinton Administration.

Yes, at a basic level, Rome still despises Orthodox Christians and revels in slaughtering them.

At the very top, however, Orthodoxy as well as any other Roman run-off like the Anglican Church is all completely co-opted and controlled by Rome.

The Romans secretly running the United States did, indeed, wish to punish the Orthodox “heretic” Christians of Yugoslavia.  They also sought to create a bastion for “radical Islam” in Europe.

From 1992 to 1995, the Pentagon assisted with the movement of thousands of mujahedin and other Islamic elements from Central Asia into Europe, to fight alongside Bosnian Muslims against the Serbs.

The Bosnia venture appears to have been very important to the rise of mujahedin forces, to the emergence of today’s cross-border Islamic terrorists who think nothing of moving from state to state in the search of outlets for their jihadist mission. …

As part of the Dutch government’s inquiry into the Srebrenica massacre of July 1995, Professor Cees Wiebes of Amsterdam University compiled a report entitled “Intelligence and the War in Bosnia”, published in April 2002.  In it he details the secret alliance between the Pentagon and radical Islamic groups from the Middle East, and their efforts to assist Bosnia’s Muslims.  By 1993, there was a vast amount of weapons-smuggling through Croatia to the Muslims, organised by “clandestine agencies” of the USA, Turkey and Iran, in association with a range of Islamic groups that included Afghan mujahedin and the pro-Iranian Hezbollah.  Arms bought by Iran and Turkey with the financial backing of Saudi Arabia were airlifted from the Middle East to Bosnia—airlifts with which, Wiebes points out, the USA was “very closely involved”.

… for all the Clinton officials’ concern about Islamic extremists in the Balkans, they continued to allow the growth and movement of mujahedin forces in Europe through the 1990s.  In the late 1990s, in the run-up to Clinton’s and Blair’s Kosovo war of 1999, the USA backed the Kosovo Liberation Army against Serbia.  According to a report in the Jerusalem Post in 1998, KLA members, like the Bosnian Muslims before them, had been “provided with financial and military support from Islamic countries”, and had been “bolstered by hundreds of Iranian fighters or mujahedin…[some of whom] were trained in Osama bin Laden’s terrorist camps in Afghanistan”. ~ How We Trained al-Qa’eda, Brendan O’Neill, The Spectator

More importantly, there is a reason why Bosnia is in Ignatius Loyola’s “little black book”: in the not-too-distant past it was a haven for Bible-believing Christians as they tried to preserve pure doctrine through the Roman Dark Ages.

As I research the sequel for my book Illuminati Unmasked, I have found an excellent resourse: Edmund Broadbent’s 1931 epic The Pilgrim Church.

In it, Broadbent carefully chronicles the true underground Church prior to the Reformation.

Some of those Christians emigrated to Bosnia where they were persecuted by both of Nebuchadnezzar’s legs of iron.

Byzantine persecution drove many of the believers westward into Serbia, and the strength of the Orthodox Church in Serbia pushed them further, into Bosnia.  They continued active on the eastern side of the Peninsula and in Asia Minor.  In 1140 supposed Bogomil error was found in the writings of Constantine Chrysomalus and condemned at a synod held in Constantinople.  The teaching objected to was, that Church baptism is not efficacious, that nothing done by unconverted persons, though baptised, is of any value, that God’s grace is received by the laying on of hands, but only in accordance with the measure of faith.  In 1143 a synod at Constantinople deposed two Cappadocian bishops on the charge of being Bogomils, and in the following century the Patriarch Gemadius complained of their spread in Constantinople itself, where, it was said, they got into private houses and made converts.  Their churches continued in Bulgaria.

As late as the 17th century congregations known as “Pavlicani” (Paulicians)[31] remained in Philippopolis and other parts of Bulgaria reaching even North of the Danube, who were described by the Orthodox Church as “convinced heretics” and who condemned the Orthodox Church as idolatrous.  Then came Franciscan missionaries from Bosnia and laboured with much zeal among them, in spite of many dangers from the wrath of the Orthodox clergy.  Taking advantage of the persecution suffered by the Paulicians at the hands of the Orthodox Church, the missionaries gradually persuaded them to put themselves under the protection of the Roman Catholic Church and so won them for Rome.  Long after this, however, they continued some of their former practices, especially their custom of meeting together for a meal in common, but they were little by little assimilated to the Roman practice, received images into their churches, and are now known as Bulgarian Catholics in contradistinction to the Bulgarians generally, who are either Orthodox, or Pomaks, that is, descended from ancestors forcibly converted to Mohammedanism.

time ''heeling'' serbiaIt was, however, in Bosnia that their greatest development took place.

In the twelfth century they were already very numerous there, and spread to Spalato and Dalmatia.  Here they came into conflict with the Roman Catholic Church.  The title of the rulers of Bosnia was Ban, the most eminent of these being Kulin Ban.  In 1180 this ruler was addressed by the Pope as a faithful adherent of the Church, but by 1199 it was acknowledged that he and his wife and family and ten thousand Bosnians had joined the Bogomil or Patarene heresy, otherwise churches of believers, in Bosnia.  Minoslav, Prince of the Herzegovina, took the same stand, as did also the Roman Catholic Bishop of Bosnia.  The country ceased to be Catholic and experienced a time of prosperity that has remained proverbial ever since.

There were no priests, or rather the priesthood of all believers was acknowledged.  The churches were guided by elders who were chosen by lot, several in each church, an overseer (called grandfather), and ministering brethren called leaders and elders.  Meetings could be held in any house and the regular meeting-places were quite plain, no bells, no altar, only a table, on which might be a white cloth and a copy of the Gospels.

A part of the earnings of the brethren was set aside for the relief of sick believers and of the poor and for the support of those who travelled to preach the Gospel among the unconverted.

Pope Innocent III, with the help of the King of Hungary, brought such pressure to bear on Kulin Ban that, at a meeting (1203) between the Pope’s envoys and the Ban, accompanied by the magnates of Bosnia, at Bjelopolje, “the White Plain”, where Kulin held his court, the Bosnian leaders agreed to submit to the Roman Church, promised never again to relapse into heresy, but to erect an altar and a cross in each of their places of worship, and to have priests who should read the Mass and listen to Confession, and administer the Sacrament twice a year.  They agreed to observe fasts and holy days, that the laity should cease to undertake spiritual functions, and that those who ministered in spiritual matters should be the clergy only, who would be distinguished from the laity by wearing cowls and being called brothers, and that when these elected a Prior, they would apply to the Pope for confirmation.  Heretics were never again to be tolerated in Bosnia.  Though, under pressure of the threat of war, the Ban and rulers of the country made such an agreement, the people entirely refused to accept it or to be bound by it in any way.

Brethren in Bosnia had intercourse with their fellow-believers in Italy, in the South of France, in Bohemia, on the Rhine, and in other parts, reaching even to Flanders and England.  When the Pope declared a crusade against the Albigenses, and Provence was being wasted, fugitives found refuge in Bosnia.  Bosnian and Provencal elders consulted together on matters of doctrine.  Rumours were current that the spiritual movements in Italy, France, and Bohemia, were all connected with a “heretical Pope” in Bosnia.  This was only imaginary, as no such person existed, but it showed that a strong influence went out from Bosnia.  An Italian Inquisitor, Reniero Sacconi, living in the reign of Kulin, who, having been himself a “heretic”, knew more about them than most, calls them the Church of the Cathari, or pure-living, a name used from before the time of the Emperor Constantine, and says they extended from the Black Sea to the Atlantic.

The peace which Kulin Ban purchased by yielding to Rome was not of long duration, for he could not compel his people to observe its terms.

On his death (1216) the Pope appointed a Roman Catholic Ban, and sent a mission to convert the Bosnians.  The churches of the country, however, increased the more, and spread into Croatia, Dalmatia, Istria, Carniola and Slavonia.  Some six years later the Pope, despairing of converting the Bosnians by other than forcible methods, and encouraged by the success of his crusade in Provence, ordered the King of Hungary to invade Bosnia.  The Bosnians deposed their Roman Catholic Ban and elected a Bogomil, Ninoslav.  For years the war went on, with varying fortune.  Ninoslav yielded to circumstances and became a Roman Catholic, but no change in their rulers affected the faith and confession of the great bulk of the people.  The country was devastated, but whenever the invading armies withdrew, the churches were found still existing, and the industry of the people quickly restored prosperity.  Fortresses were erected throughout the country “for the protection of the Roman Catholic Church and religion”; the Pope gave the land to Hungary, which long ruled it, but its people still holding to their faith, he at length called a crusade of “all the Christian world” against it; the Inquisition was established (1291), and Dominican and Franciscan brothers competed in applying its terrors to the devoted churches.1

Another excellent source has been the writings of Luciferian Helena Blavatsky.

Very often real truth is the treasure that erupts from one evil entity fighting with another.

In this case, it is Blavatsky outing the atrocities of Rome as the great Harlot enabled Islam against the Christians of Serbia and Bosnia—116 years before Bill Clinton’s treasonous war.

But is it merely Pagans and heathen that the Catholics persecute, and about whom, like Augustine, they cry to the Deity, “Oh, my God! so do I wish Thy enemies to be slain”?  Oh, no! their aspirations are more Mosaic and Cain‐like than that.

It is against their next of kin in faith, against their schismatic brothers that they are now intriguing within the walls which sheltered the murderous Borgias.  The larvæ of the infanticidal, parricidal, and fratricidal Popes have proved themselves fit counsellors for the Cains of Castelfidardo and Mentana.  It is now the turn of the Slavonian Christians, the Oriental Schismatics — the Philistines of the Greek Church!

His Holiness the Pope, after exhausting, in a metaphor of self‐laudation, every point of assimilation between the great biblical prophets and himself, has finally and truly compared himself with the Patriarch Jacob “wrestling against his God.”

He now crowns the edifice of Catholic piety by openly sympathizing with the Turks!  The vicegerent of God inaugurates his infallibility by encouraging, in a true Christian spirit, the acts of that Moslem David, the modern Bashi‐Bazuk; and it seems as if nothing would more please his Holiness than to be presented by the latter with several thousands of the Bulgarian or Servian “foreskins.”  True to her policy to be all things to all men to promote her own interests, the Romish Church is, at this writing (1876), benevolently viewing the Bulgarian and Servian atrocities, and, probably, manoeuvring with Turkey against Russia.  Better Islam, and the hitherto‐hated Crescent over the sepulchre of the Christian god, than the Greek Church established at Constantinople and Jerusalem as the state religion.  Like a decrepit and toothless ex‐tyrant in exile, the Vatican is eager for any alliance that promises, if not a restoration of its own power, at least the weakening of its rival.  The axe its inquisitors once swung, it now toys with in secret, feeling its edge, and waiting, and hoping against hope.  In her time, the Popish Church has lain with strange bedfellows, but never before now sunk to the degradation of giving her moral support to those who for over 1200 years spat in her face, called her adherents “infidel dogs,” repudiated her teachings, and denied godhood to her God!2

As I continue to dig, I have found one thing remains consistent: the Great Harlot may bite off an ear or cut off the arm of one of her wayward children but she never waivers from attacking with full ferocity those who fully serve God.

  1. The Pilgrim Church, Edmund Hamer Broadbent, Pickering & Inglis Ltd., London (1931), pp. 55-58
  2. Isis Unveiled, Volume II, Helena Blavatsky, Theosophy Trust, New York (1877), p. 73

One Comment

  • FM Sgt graham says:

    Great column that documents the true and deep history of the Bosnian conflict, unadulterated by Roman controlled institutions. When I read such authentic accounts of history I am offen reminded of a saying that advises one not to discuss religion or politics in polite company. The adage implies disassociation between the two concepts, when in reality politics IS religion.

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