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Felipe & Johnny

The internet abounds with disinformation encouraged by foolish people who believe that America’s new President Donald Trump, or any law enforcement agency under him (from the FBI to the NYPD) is going to put an end to child sex slave rape, abuse, trafficking and murder.

Mainstream media will allow modest coverage because it still suits the over-all agenda of disinformation and distraction.

Bear Sterns “science and education financier” Jeffrey Epstein is a low-end facilitator via his Caribbean “orgy island” of child sex slavery but because he’s a Jew he has received mainstream press coverage.

As we have shown you, meticulously chronicled at and in two books with 1,500 pages and 3,000 citations combined—

Illuminati Unmasked

Secret History

—the top of the “New World Order” feudalist enslavement pyramid is the Jesuit-controlled Vatican.  Having learned by the suppression of the Templars in 1307 never to conduct their evil machinations under their own names and faces (lest they be hunted down as the Templars were for their crimes of perversion and greed1) Rome now insures that every agenda has the face and name of a Jew to hide behind.

Yet, being a Jew, Epstein is a great financier of Catholic Charities; an organization that traffics in victims of a different kind—illegal aliens into the United States (the vast majority of them being Roman Catholic).

While Americans of all stripes seek desperately to pull their nation out of economic malaise, [Barack] Obama is using every means (most of them quite unconstitutional) to legalize illegal aliens.112

Catholic organizations wield shocking power in this effort with little media scrutiny.

Catholic Charities USA has taken on a major role in helping the federal government find temporary housing for the droves of Central Americans illegally crossing the border into the United States.

And it’s also helping finance the operation. …

NBC4 News in Los Angeles reported Thursday that St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Fontana, California, was receiving daily busloads of illegal immigrants and housing them in a former convent that is not even zoned for overnight stays.  The report opens with concerns about whether the church’s helping hand for the illegals “is even legal.”

John Andrews, communications director for the Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino, told WND that the diocese is working directly with the Department of Homeland Security to temporarily house the illegal immigrants.  A DHS busload of 46 Central American women and children arrived Thursday.  They are being housed in a former convent until they can be transported to various communities around the U.S., mostly by Greyhound bus.

Andrews said the church was told by the government to expect a new busload of illegal immigrants every 72 hours.  He said the initiative grew out of a meeting last week with a representative of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. ~ Leo Hohmann, WorldNetDaily113

 ~ Illuminati Unmasked, Johnny Cirucci, CreateSpace (2015), pp. 14-15

A 2013 puff piece for National Review lauds Epstein as a great patron of “science” and Darwinian Evolution—the pedo-mogul has a high priority for kids he hasn’t raped yet to believe in “space” and “dinosaurs”.

Given that National Review was founded by a devout Roman Catholic, Skull and Bones CIA agent (William F. Buckley) for disinformation wrapped in a Conservative candy shell we shouldn’t be surprised.

Even more bizarre, Epstein has entertained theoretical physicist, cosmologist and author Stephen Hawking at his orgy island.  As Hawking is a quadriplegic, perhaps this was more for the entertainment of the guests than for the highly-publicized invalid.  It is important to note that, for skeptics, there is absolutely nothing that has come from Stephen Hawking that can be proven is actually his as there is always technology and a human handler to intervene.

For a Jew, maintaining a web of lies about our cosmology, spun by Jesuits, seems to be a high priority.

Sadly, Catholic Charities has also been found to be a distribution hub for child sex slaves.  Parentless orphans desperately needing love come in, traumatized, raped, abused sex slaves go out.

Again, Epstein is a pedophile Jew who seems oddly connected with Rome.  During a rare “raid” by law enforcement, next to a full dentist chair complete with implements (for torture, not dentistry) and a child’s teddy bear, was a picture of Epstein with “a Catholic Pope”.  We don’t know which Pope because Knight of Malta Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News only mentions this in passing.

One key piece of evidence from Epstein’s case was released last week by the Florida State Attorney General’s Office: a one-hour video showing the Oct. 20, 2005, search of his mansion. The video captured numerous salacious photos of young girls, some totally nude, as well as a photo of a child around 5 years old bending over in a short dress, adorning his walls.

Other Epstein items documented in the police video include a small stuffed teddy bear by his bedside, a professional dental chair and drill set in his bathroom, and Epstein in a photo standing next to a Catholic pope, but not shown are the hidden cameras found on his property.

A monster like Epstein palling around with “a Catholic Pope” would be enough for a headline and story completely all its own but neither Fox News nor any other “mainstream” outlet appears interested.

One of Epstein’s chief lawyers is also a highly-publicized Jew; Alan Dershowitz.  Normally, Dershowitz would be a powerhouse of publicity but, unfortunately, he too has been implicated as a child rapist.

Dershowitz is, however, a promoter of top Roman agendas like gun control and torture which is quite ironic given that he complained of scrutiny of his misbehavior as akin to being “waterboarded for 15 months.”

It’s quite the cheeky exaggeration.  Dershowitz, Epstein and any number of his child-raping friends really have nothing to worry about.  When victims like Virginia Roberts Guiffre have the courage to come forward and bring civil suit because a criminal prosecutor willing to do their job doesn’t exist, there’s always a judge to throw her out of court.

In fact, the list of Epstein’s child-raping guests is shocking in and of itself.  It includes—

* President Donald Trump
* President Bill Clinton
* England’s Prince Andrew
* scientist Stephen Hawking
* Prime Minister and Roman Catholic convert Tony Blair
* British “super model” Naomi Campbell
* actor Dustin Hoffman
* NYC Mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg
* British business magnate Richard Branson
* actor Kevin Spacey
* comedian Chris Tucker
* New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson
* magician David Copperfield
* lawyer Alan Dershowitz
* New Mexico Governor Bruce King
* Peter Soros, the nephew of George Soros
* Former Miss Sweden and socialite New York City doctor Eva Andersson Dubin
* Kurt Cobain’s not-so-broke-up widow, rock star Courtney Love
* Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak

Actually, Epstein’s released-but-heavily-redacted “black book” is so extensive one should just assume: if it’s a powerful personality, they’ve been privy to the rape of a child.

It’s actually quite fascinating that President Donald Trump would be such good friends with Epstein yet get a pass from America’s “journalists”.  In fact, Trump didn’t need Epstein’s island, he’s been accused of raping a 13 year old girl all on his own.

Picking just one of Epstein’s “friends” brings interesting results.  Magician David Copperfield was a happy guest with his own demon-filled closet.

As a Jew, Copperfield (born “David Kotkin”) was educated by the Jesuits of Fordham.  Like his fellow child-raping Epstein friend, Donald Trump, David didn’t stick around long enough to get his degree which makes it even harder to connect him to the Company but he was there.

As Odyssey Online noted, you don’t have to get a degree to have the Jesuits leave their mark:

Popular singer and model, Lana Del Ray, is another famous Fordham drop out.  Although she did not receive a degree from Fordham, she did go on to write and produce a song called “Fordham Road” so her experiences here were clearly influential on her career!

Three weeks after Copperfield dropped out of Fordham, he landed a lead role in a Chicago play.  The Jesuits have a lot of pull in Chicago; it’s where they taught Barack Obama how to be a “community organizer”.

The “Society of Jesus” should be proud of their creation.  Perhaps looking to compete with his Catholic-controlled Jewish friend, Copperfield has managed his own island of horrors in the Bahamas where one victim claimed she was raped repeatedly after being lured there and imprisoned.  She returned to her home in Seattle and reported the crime.  Seattle police turned it over to the FBI and their crack team of criminal investigators.

As a result, Copperfield remains a free man and the woman has been slandered as a serial liar.

As to Copperfield’s association with Jeffrey Epstein, it’s merely a coincidence.


  1. The Templars invented modern usury banking.

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