Thu, 23 August 2018
Resistance Rising 182: There’s No Such Thing As A “Classic”, Just Romans In Disguise
* What happened to The Wachowskis? * Ben Swann admits “I took myself off the air but, like Sun Tsu, I’m back with ‘crypto currency’.” * Ben Swann on “#PizzaGate” * Priest (some label “Jesuit”) attacks baby at Catholic baptism. * From…
* From Costco and Starbucks in Seattle through racial outrage in Philadelphia to Rome. * Yellow Journalism: why “mainstream” news boldly enflames racial hatred and tension. * Do the Jesuits revere Ellen G. White? If so, why? * Former Jesuit Priest Alberto Rivera on…
Mon, 22 January 2018
Johnny Goes to Canada via a Televised Interview with ThatChannel
Thu, 4 January 2018
Resistance Rising 164: Driving the Pedocracy to New Heights of Cover-up
Disgraced Former Anglican Bishop Becoming Catholic To “Live And Worship In Anonymity”: Catholic Herald Catholic Priest Says Sorry For KKK Cross Burning On Black Couple’s Lawn ROLLING STONE “DEBUNKS” #PizzaGate WITH SHAMELESS SPIN AND TOTALLY #FakeNews THE ACTUAL COURT DOC ON TRUMP/EPSTEIN CHILD RAPE PRINCE…
Mon, 27 November 2017
Johnny and Mike Adams talk Eaters of Children, Part II!
Sun, 12 November 2017
Johnny re-connects with Mike Adams to begin series of talks on the Eaters of Children!
Mon, 16 October 2017
Where Does Eastern-Rite Orthodoxy Fit In The Devil’s Simulation?
One of the most important passages in Scripture is Daniel 2. The corruption of King Solomon’s rule, followed by the foolishness of his successor son, Rehoboam caused a civil war which split the nation of Israel into a Northern Kingdom (“Israel”) and a Southern Kingdom…
LIBYAN CHAOS CAUSED BY OBAMA’S ILLEGAL WAR ENABLES HUMAN TRAFFICKING Laura Silsby/Gayler Works At Alert Sense David Seaman: #PizzaGate-Keeper and Pedophile Double Agent Ann Coulter’s Jesuit Problem Cris Putnam dead at 51 Now if any man builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious…
Thu, 2 March 2017
“To Protect and Serve…” Pedophiles
Felipe & Johnny Truth mixed with lies. It’s the staple throughout all of alternative media’s frauds. Author Ole Dammegard is a professional conspiracy theorist who has repeatedly exposed false flags for us. He proves that, at least in Europe, there is a caravan…
Tue, 28 February 2017
David Seaman: #PizzaGate-Keeper and Pedophile Double Agent
Joseph & Johnny For anyone who has tried to learn the truth about systemic child sex slave trafficking and Elite pedophilia, it doesn’t take long before you are directed to David Seaman. But, given that this issue is the scandal of the millennia, it’s important…
Sun, 26 February 2017
Your Child Rapist President Will Not Bring Justice In #PizzaGate
Felipe & Johnny The internet abounds with disinformation encouraged by foolish people who believe that America’s new President Donald Trump, or any law enforcement agency under him (from the FBI to the NYPD) is going to put an end to child sex slave rape, abuse,…
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