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Tue, 8 May 2018

Did Hale Boggs Drop From The Sky?

Another web of treason and deceit that traces back to Rome. The story surrounding the “Hale-Bopp comet” is as sketchy as the disappearance of powerful Democrat Congressman Thomas Hale Boggs during his October 16th, 1972 flight from Anchorage to Juneau, Alaska along with Alaskan Democrat…
Thu, 8 March 2018

Benny Hinn, Paula White, Donald Trump and Rome

Connecting the dots proves the existence of both the Devil’s Simulation and the Biblical “Whore of Babylon”. The history of “religion”, more specifically, Christianity, is powerful, surprising and even shocking. “Shocking” because so much of it has been erased by a hidden hand. Biblical Christianity…
Wed, 24 January 2018

Is Kent Hovind a Roman Luciferian?

This morning, a member of my team sent me a video of “Jeff” from the YouTube Channel “Break Free” telling the “You Tube Reality Show” that, in an effort to out a troll he hacked everyone who went to his channel. He claimed that,…