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Tue, 24 February 2015

Lenny Pozner: the Sandy Hook Pozer

There is a very deeply disturbing agenda, the mere premise of which should shock you into reading further to see if any shred of it is true: Powerful forces in your own government have set up operations to terrorize and kill you and to blame…
Fri, 20 February 2015

Vaccine Vectors

If you drive by any of my material and take away just one thing I would have it be this: the world is secretly controlled by a malignant Elite and everything they engineer has to do with how they hate you but also fear you.…
Tue, 19 August 2014

Illuminati DEFEATED

While Conservitard Super-Sleuths like Allen West are ever-so-slowly coming to the shocking conclusion that *sharp intake of breath* Barack Hussein Obama is an Islamist, we’ve spent the past 3 columns proving that Islam is the Scimitar of the CIA, the CIA is run by the…
Fri, 15 August 2014

Illuminati Puppets

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his…
Sat, 9 August 2014

The Mask of the Illuminati

In my last column, I attempted to unmask for you whom I thought “the Illuminati” were. The trail of breadcrumbs I followed lead to a surprising source; the Society of Jesus. This is not the kind of accusation you just “throw out there”. Not only…
Thu, 31 July 2014

Illuminati Revealed?

Previously, I asked and tried to answer the question if Barack Obama and the power structure that supports (and guides) him were a brilliant coup conducted by Soviet Communists who faked their own demise. If you want an extensive look into where I think Russia…
Fri, 4 July 2014

Trumping Trolls

If you love America, I will guarantee you have no idea the size and composition of the Machine that is riding and killing her. But, like some massive, parasitic insect gorged on your blood, the moment you become aware of it, picking it off and…
Fri, 17 January 2014

Special Occupations

There’s an old Puritan saw that goes something like “If it feels good, it’s probably wrong.” America has been feeling really good about the exploits of her Special Forces lately, but are we being manipulated towards a harmful end? SUNSHINE WARRIORS As soon as an…
Sat, 9 November 2013

Truther Runs For Congress!

Recently, a supposed Right-wing media outlet has been hammering “9/11 Truthers” and “Conspiracy Theorists”. One of the hit pieces was how Democrat Leftist Terry McAuliffe loved the truth-distraction propaganda of Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 9/11”. Moore—himself a stooge for the New World Order—claimed the reason for…