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Sun, 17 March 2013

Moses with Horns on His Head?

Did you know that the medieval depiction of Moses having horns comes from the Latin Vulgate translation of the Hebrew Masoretic text of Exodus 34:29? It came about when Moses was coming down from Mount Sinai (and the two tablets of the testimony were in…
Wed, 30 January 2013

Fallen Angels Return

What is “character”? One definition that I’ve heard is that “character” is what you do in the dark, when no one is looking. Well here’s another: “Character” is what you do when you’re in the spotlight. One such character who seems to have plenty of…
Sun, 9 December 2012

The Difference Between “US” And “THEM”

The difference between “us” and “them” is sacrifice...industriousness...personal discipline...restraint...professionalism...these are the traits that BUILT America: what was once known as “The Protestant Work Ethic”. It is an ethic found THROUGHOUT the Holy Bible— By the sweat of your brow shall you eat bread, till you…
Sun, 7 March 2010

Psalm 83

In July of 2006, the muslim terrorist group “Hezbollah” conducted a pre-emptive strike against Israel from safe haven in Lebanon. First launching rockets and mortars indiscriminately into Israel’s civilian border enclaves, the Islamists then sent RPG teams into Israel to attack an armored Humm-V patrol,…
Sun, 1 November 2009

Dinosaurs vs. the Bible

I was surfing politics via news articles online, as I am wont to do, when I came across this article from the U.K. Times online: Skull of Huge Sea Monster That Could Have Eaten T. Rex Found in Dorset Being interested in the subject matter,…
Sun, 10 May 2009

The End Times

“Smart weapons” in the Bible? Jeremiah 50:9 9 “For behold, I Am going to arouse and bring up against Babylon A horde of great nations from the land of the north, And they will draw up their battle lines against her; From there she will…
Fri, 8 May 2009

Calvinism vs. Arminianism

A dear family friend nonchalantly threw this hand grenade at me the other day; I don’t think I’ve asked before: where do you stand on the free-will/predestination debate? I teased him because the forum he asked me this question in is designed for 2-sentence answers…
Fri, 1 August 2008

Strange Flesh

About a month ago I did some training for the National Guard out of state. It lasted 3 weeks and I was looking forward to coming home. My wife picked me up at the airport and I was really looking forward to getting home, seeing…
Sun, 13 February 2005

An “Act of God”?

It’s probably a little late to be weighing in on the tsunami that killed some 160,000 people in Asia late last year but I have an opinion I haven’t heard too many pundits express—”What role did the Will of G-d play?” We Christians know that…
Sun, 18 July 2004

Even Christians Don’t Get It

Now-a-days all I can do to keep my head from exploding in anger and frustration at the leftist media establishment is to do my best to steer clear of them. It’s actually hard to do on a military base when the common-usage facilities you need…