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Fri, 18 September 2015

Ann Coulter’s Jesuit Problem

You’ve got to love the sophistry of the Republican debates.  When you know and understand who is putting them on (the Jesuits) and why (to mock Americans with good values who love their country) it makes you want to laugh or cry...or rage. The way…
Wed, 4 March 2015

The Abomination of Desolation

When I first wrote my previous column, I got a little excited.  The original title was “8 Signs in the Heavens Say Christ to Return in 2017!” Well, according to Daniel 9, there are one or two minor events that need to occur before Christ…
Mon, 23 February 2015

The Long Coup D’etat to Finally be Celebrated!

For generations, Rome (lead by the Jesuits), has subverted and infiltrated her greatest philosophical enemy: Protestant America. She has repeatedly used her secret society puppets to control America’s most poisonous foes—her own intelligence agencies and financial institutions. The takeover has been so complete, September 24th,…
Wed, 18 February 2015

Is TruNews Controlled Opposition?

TruNews is an hour-long daily news program for a Christian audience. It is hosted by broadcaster and media man Rick Wiles. Wiles got his start with Trinity Broadcasting Network mogul Paul Crouch (whom Wiles always refers to as “Doctor Paul Crouch”). Crouch gave Wiles seed…
Tue, 19 August 2014

Illuminati DEFEATED

While Conservitard Super-Sleuths like Allen West are ever-so-slowly coming to the shocking conclusion that *sharp intake of breath* Barack Hussein Obama is an Islamist, we’ve spent the past 3 columns proving that Islam is the Scimitar of the CIA, the CIA is run by the…
Fri, 15 August 2014

Illuminati Puppets

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his…
Sat, 9 August 2014

The Mask of the Illuminati

In my last column, I attempted to unmask for you whom I thought “the Illuminati” were. The trail of breadcrumbs I followed lead to a surprising source; the Society of Jesus. This is not the kind of accusation you just “throw out there”. Not only…
Thu, 31 July 2014

Illuminati Revealed?

Previously, I asked and tried to answer the question if Barack Obama and the power structure that supports (and guides) him were a brilliant coup conducted by Soviet Communists who faked their own demise. If you want an extensive look into where I think Russia…
Thu, 2 January 2014

Shocking Deceptions Surround Pope Francis

Earlier this year, I reported on the unprecedented appointment of Argentinean Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Bergoglio is the first Jesuit to sit as Pontiff. Since the formation of the Society of Jesus in 1534, the militant order has…
Mon, 25 March 2013

Pope Francis the Humble

The Catholic Church is an institution in turmoil. Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger—Pope Benedict XVI—was the first pontiff to step down since 1415. It was an unexpected event with words like “shocking”, “surprise” and “sudden” being bandied by Catholics and news media, alike. Sex abuse and pedophile…