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Fri, 18 March 2005

Barbarism Wears A Black Robe

Woe to those who drag their sins behind them like a bullock on a rope. They even mock the Holy One of Israel and dare the L-rd to punish them. “Hurry up and punish us, O L-rd,” they say. “We want to see what you…
Sat, 12 March 2005

Women In Law Enforcement?

Three more victims fall to the politically-correct lunacy that is “feminism”—the idea that there are no differences between men and women and that a female can do any job a male can chalked up it’s latest tally; 1 wounded, 3 dead (now possibly a fourth)…
Sat, 19 February 2005

Women In The Military?

If you watch Hollywood movies, go to most any college or listen to the “mainstream” media, you’d hear about our “brave men and women” serving in the United States military. But is our co-ed policy the right one? Despite much controversy, our politically-correct government leaders—whether…
Sun, 8 August 2004

Sandy Who?

It’s been a little over 2 weeks since the story broke of former Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy Berger stealing highly sensitive documents from the National Archives. You still remember it don’t you? Is there anything that you could think of that would be more…
Mon, 2 August 2004

Treason Is A 2-Party Game

You should never be amazed about the depth of Leftist depravity. Case in point: 911 Commission member Jamie Gorelick sat in stern judgment over several members of the presidents’ administration trying to get the bottom of just who is responsible for the 911 intelligence debacle.…
Sat, 24 July 2004

War Hero

Time and time again I keep hearing about the courage of “Viet Nam war hero” John Kerry and how he served TWO tours. Finally, someone who was there (and really in-country) has come out to show Kerry up for the lying, anti-American phony that he…
Sat, 5 June 2004

Ronald Reagan Passes

After a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease, Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th president of the United States, passed at the age of 93. Arguably the greatest president since Teddy Roosevelt, Ronnie combined the charm of a diplomat with the unwavering strength of an ideologue. He arrived…